Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] as you " in BNC.

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1 An attacker may break into your empty car and hide behind the front seats , or wait for you to fumble for your car keys as you approach .
2 No one who can be as objective about her own thinking processes as you are could be otherwise .
3 Now the rather depressing side of football pools as you only get twenty eight pounds in the hundred pounds back in an overall figure .
4 Where you walk in and think oh these must be council houses as you 're driving through .
5 ( As examples of the latter , try looking up the length of the river Mississippi in as many reference books as you can find , and compare the answers. ) 5 .
6 It becomes an important part of tactics on upwind legs as you get to higher standards .
7 You may start from any point and get on and off at any of the central moorings allowing you time to visit museums and shopping areas as you wish .
8 If the ribber is on full pitch these prongs move in slightly between the ribber sinker posts as you wind the handle .
9 The army may include as many Battle Wizards as you wish within the usual limitations of points costs .
10 Morality lapses as you get older and nothing seems to matter any longer . ’
11 After playing through figs 2–5 you should continue by applying the same approach to as many different chord types/voicings as you can .
12 Believe it or not Vladimir makes the same business decisions as you .
13 The unit can include as many net-armed and as many club-armed Night Goblins as you wish , and they can be mixed up in the ranks as you please .
14 This last point is the most difficult , since unless you can live with surface-mounted wiring , you will ruin your wall decorations as you cut channels for the supply cables .
15 This is an this is er another this is a good one for use in the field , it can be quite accurate it 's , it 's certainly a very easy one to use in the field cos all you need is a thing that looks a bit like a telescope about four inches long and what tha the principle it 's working on here is the fact that ref the refracted index of water changes as you dissolve salts in it .
16 We can do exactly the same : look around for good ambush spots as you run , places which give you cover so that you can jump out and completely surprise your attacker as he rushes past .
17 The only way to find out just how fantastic Medau is , is to try out as many of the other movement forms as you can .
18 And there 's manhole covers as you come out the bend .
19 If a lot of moisture collects inside the bag , wipe it off , looking carefully for adult insects as you do so .
20 Oh yes yeah outside yes and old programmes they sell at away matches , badges , season tickets as you might understand , but they , they are going to have a good day in April on the centenary day because they have it getting all the old players Tony says he , he 's been invited to attend as well and Gilbert I believe will be going and erm
21 When you sample a new yarn spare the time to work as many different pattern samples as you can and always include cables .
22 I there is a small difference of course , the C E C did say it , but there is dif different negotiating procedures as you 're , you are aware but Mike and I are talking about that and I 'm sure we can overcome it .
23 The opening lead is the seven of diamonds , and the full hand is as follows , but try covering the East and West hands as you decide on your line of play .
24 There have been some hand outs as you come in hopefully you 've actually picked them up , on part of that hand out is a questionnaire towards the end which I hope everybody will find the time to fill in .
25 Those of you with a nautical leaning can enjoy a view of the lighthouse at Northforeland , along with some pleasant sea views as you glide along the coast , claim the organisers .
26 Look at as many garden design books as you can , as they may provide the kernel of an idea .
27 Place your hands on the lower part of your outer thighs so you can feel and see the muscle contractions as you squeeze .
28 I 'd just like to point out that erm on the street collections as you 've always done before , AvaRag and NovaSports do n't generally get passed , because they do n't actually help anybody in Oxford .
29 You can in fact have almost as many yarn masts as you like attached to the back of the machine .
30 Now to weight that and the next one is respite an short stay beds as you mentioned .
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