Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] and [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 IT Division is organising the 1991 JFIT Conference at UMIST on the 9th–11th July with the primary aim of discussing objectives of the JFIT programmes and they way in which they are meeting the requirements of users .
2 There has been a slight redesign of the ancillaries for crash protection reasons and we 've increased capacities to get more power , but otherwise it has been developed perfectly , ’ said Seiffert .
3 Miss Clapp sees the excuse notes and she takes me for English .
4 Last week the hospital advised patients to check on the day of admission that a bed was avilable , because the bad weather has brought an influx of urgent chest cases and they take priority .
5 For the past seven years I 've skied in a selection of one-piece uninsulated shell suits and I doubt if I will ever turn back .
6 It was black and scalding with a kick like a Galloway bulls and it spread like fire through my tired frame .
7 There is a meeting of the Police Committee on Monday and there is an item on their budget for the provision of the camera and of the back up support for processing the offenders as part of their budget proposals and they will be considering that on Monday .
8 I also think that having to report back would assist with dealing with the many , many people who have complained about the state of our footpaths network but individual complaints and with user groups and we 're off to see representatives out of County Council , they 're not here today but they 're off to hear it at our Committee meetings and I do think that having an officially report back to the Environment Committee would assist in meeting their requirements would be good P R. Thank you .
9 We work 24 hour shifts and I 'm only one shift .
10 I understand both these belong to Wyresdale Park Estates and I should be very grateful if you could look into the matter and arrange to have them trimmed .
11 its , it , the other truck drivers and I have to say that erm to a certain extent you do need to be forceful and positive because er they need a lot of space to manoeuvre on the road and a lot of people who drive cars do n't quite realize how much space they need and if they wo n't give you the space you have to take it .
12 Select your award winners and you can join in our £40,000 draw
13 He says that to me and then he turns round and says that they were all taking the piss out of Gemma because she 's got thunder thighs and she has n't , that 's the whole point !
14 If you see we 'd got about er twenty eight thirty in this class , and er they bought the text books and we joined a national college of labour colleges .
15 A large proportion of the posts already announced for relocation are destined for locations targeted by our regional development or urban programme policies and we expect that about 60 per cent .
16 The prison includes most young long term prisoners and it it 's described as problematic and volatile .
17 One gave us her family 's football programmes and they fetched £50 .
18 The lock sticks and I heard him turning his key .
19 Remember that landlords and landladies are less tolerant of rent arrears than college authorities and you may be putting your tenancy at risk if you fall behind with the rent .
20 ‘ I follow Middlesbrough and Darlington football clubs and I 'm looking forward to seeing Durham come down to play cricket in the town . ’
21 The Court held that the Commission is under a duty to disclose such documents to national cartel authorities and it has no discretion to choose not to do so .
22 I followed Jack 's Mercedes a short way along the side roads and he then headed due south while I shot down the motorway towards home .
23 The main types of tenancy are described in the Housing Booklet 3 , The Rent Acts and You .
24 I spent time attending their daily review clinics and I was able to attend the A&E senior house officer 's education meeting and audit groups .
25 David asked if I could jive and at this particular time I always dressed as a man , which was probably another reason Calvin and I got along very well because Calvin wore velvet suits and I wore velvet suits — so that was one area we got on very well .
26 the P E teacher is supposedly collecting aluminium cans and we 've been through various daft schemes of stopping the children from throwing the cans everywhere because we 've got this coke machine .
27 We all had tin whistles and we learned them .
28 five and six bedroom houses and you wo n't get anything under two hundred thousand pounds .
29 Maybe they ca n't pay the the 'leccy bill and they 're in rent arrears and you know it 's Christmas and the kids want everything they see on the television .
30 He wrote out cheques from the account to pay his credit card debts , rent arrears and he also used it to clear phone bills and part of £500 taxi bill .
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