Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [was/were] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So often , it was claimed , local government was not the voice of the local community — election turnouts were derisory , elections were fought on national rather than local issues , and many voters were council employees ( with , therefore , a vested interest in greater spending ) , council house tenants ( with an interest in subsidized rents ) , or were not ratepayers at all .
2 Hartlepool went down 22–13 whose try scorers were Courty , Smith and nall , Hails kicking two conversions and two penalties .
3 Hartlepool went down 22–13 whose try scorers were Courty , Smith and Hall , Hails kicking two conversions and two penalties .
4 Signed photographs , copies of Mishima and souvenir programmes were available .
5 As this was a retrospective study retrieval of notes was difficult , especially for the earlier years , and information from case notes was patchy .
6 Both sets of policies were weakly enforced and , as far as the positive discrimination policies were concerned , very small amounts of money were spent .
7 He also said that the storm drains were full of dead bodies .
8 If index futures were subject to physical delivery , as was the Osaka 50 Kabusaki , the transactions costs ( and increase in trading volume ) of liquidating the arbitrage portfolio at delivery would be saved ( Stoll , 1987 ) .
9 Arditti , Ayaydin , Mattu and Rigsbee ( 1986 ) argued that , in the initial years of trading , S&P500 index futures were underpriced .
10 For 1986 , each of the three index futures was underpriced , while for 1987 and 1988 only the MMI was significantly underpriced .
11 Nationalisation plans were tentative and not in the forefront of his measures to keep full employment .
12 They grew slowly in transport , where trams and trolley buses were being replaced by diesel buses , and where the British Transport Commission 's railway electrification proposals were slow to mature .
13 Area representative James Hampton said that the role of local support groups was vital is the League 's work in putting pressure on politicians and publicising the nature of hunting was to continue .
14 One corner of the Instrumentation and Control Board activities was concerned for weeks or months with grappling with the problem .
15 Compared with Barry 's Board of Trade , the Broad Sanctuary houses were hideous and it ‘ would excite one 's horror , if one were to imagine that any portion of London was to be covered with such edifices ’ .
16 The Broad Sanctuary houses were common-place and unattractive , and it was ‘ an important question of principle ’ if this style was to be applied to other public building .
17 Pepsinogen values were similar in all the anatomical areas tested in all patients .
18 This phenomenon has been reproduced in a rat model of ethanol feeding and subsequent lipid analyses indicated that accumulated cholesteryl esters were responsible for the morphologic changes observed .
19 Following the example of her majesty the queen , old felt hats were remodelled and leftover pieces mounted on cardboard to make buttons , or cut into interesting shapes for trimming belts and handbags knitted or crocheted in dish cloth cotton which was unrationed .
20 The mini and mainframe computer manufacturers were slow to realise the enormous potential of single board microcomputers based on these microprocessors and it was left to the electronics hobbyists and entrepreneurs , who responded by giving birth to the microcomputer industry .
21 This was mainly the result of diminished activated pepsinogen ( pepsin ) activity , while pepsinogen concentrations were normal .
22 She was getting a kick out of the whole thing , I 'm sure of it : her big cow eyes were bright and she was all breathy when she talked about it .
23 The army 's drug profiteers were alarmed .
24 If the argument is accepted that dinosaurs were on their way to possessing a non-reptilian or bird-like heart , then as soon as the separation of the heart valves was complete it enabled the thecodonts , probably in the Triassic .
25 In the case of the snail and its fluke parasites , we decided that their preferred shell thicknesses were divergent .
26 Guardian readers were exceptional , however .
27 There was another reason why finding books was difficult .
29 The north-east seamen were concerned about pay also .
30 Last year , the mechanism for fixing up research contracts was streamlined .
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