Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [v-ing] that " in BNC.

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1 The situation is frequently reinforced by customer contracts or confirmation notes stating that all business is subject to the rules of the exchange .
2 With some industry experts predicting that within five years more people will be sending and receiving faxes through their PC than with stand-alone fax machines it is no wonder that software developers are examining ways of cashing in on this increasing market .
3 Radio France Internationale reported the same day that it had received a communication from the leaders of three Togolese opposition parties protesting that ( the above ) key portfolios had gone to members of Eyadema 's party , the Togolese People 's Rally ( RPT ) , and calling on the HCR not to ratify the list .
4 Expert decision support can be employed to give consistent advice to maintenance engineers ensuring that risk is correctly assessed and minimised .
5 Grey silts on the valley floor contain the abundant remains of salt marsh plants suggesting that at that time this was a shallow inlet of the sea .
6 The newswire quotes industry executives saying that the trio plan to announce by the end of the month that they have produced a working sample of the chip , which they had not expected to be ready until early next year .
7 Peek is fairly confident of its long term prospects reckoning that its rivals have been weakened by recession and that its worldwide markets show significant growth potential : it will be seeking to consolidate its international position with alliances and joint ventures .
8 The then Minister for Home Affairs , Buta Singh , defended the extension against protests from opposition members saying that it was necessary to proceed with the panchayat ( local council ) system as a prelude to assembly elections in the state , and that the continued detention of some Sikh leaders was necessary to prevent them from causing further trouble in the region .
9 Is proved by witness statement(s) showing that the person was not covered .
10 Perhaps the most entertaining tale came late afternoon , with anonymous telephone calls stating that a nosey employee of Marks & Spencer ( down 1 at 329p ) having been called in to deputy chairman Clinton Silver 's office , saw a piece of paper suggesting the retailer was set to bid the debt-laden supermarket group , Asda ( off ½ at 31p ) .
11 Chairman , I 've listened with erm interest to Professor erm weasel words explaining that he did n't mean what he 's been saying for the past three years and trying to explain away what he 's effectively and he might as well admit it a complete volte face worse than that his agreement to an arrangement which he knows is second best .
12 Fifth , the Thatcher Governments have made major changes to owner-occupation and share ownership and this has resulted in many small wealth holders believing that their interests are now more closely allied with the rich , to the exclusion of people on low incomes .
13 The result was a highly controversial draw , most ringside commentators agreeing that Hope deserved victory .
14 reminded the meeting of the A4 sheet of Institute recommendations stating that such work should not be done .
15 Did you ever hear the cellphone operators complaining that the early competition adversely affected their business ?
16 Since the British Ministry of Agriculture learned of the investigation last March , it has written to 262 US pesticide companies demanding that they reveal any work conducted by Craven .
17 The history of welfare state legislation and of political interventions to manage economic development is interpreted as a fairly consistent chronicle of dominant business interests recognizing that government regulation protects their established position from new sources of competition at home or abroad , or fosters growth in demand which they could not secure by other means .
18 He cited recent by-election setbacks and pointed to numerous opinion polls indicating that the party 's prospects of winning an election would be better under his leadership .
19 With less than a month left before the 7 November election and opinion polls showing that he leads his Republican opponent , Congressman Jim Courter , by between 14 and 23 points , the race for governor of New Jersey is attracting intense national interest .
20 An advertisement had appeared on one of the university noticeboards saying that Benghazi University in Libya was looking for a lecturer in engineering .
21 These constitute the most systematic national approaches to social service personnel training that we were able to find .
22 ‘ The nurses panicked and made me and the other mother sign forms saying that we definitely had our own babies . ’
23 He produced newspaper cuttings proving that BB came to Nefta but I am not convinced that she stayed in the Hotel de la Liberté , whose plumbing leaves everything to be desired .
24 Furthermore , in support of this change in rhombomeric identity , neural crest cells derived from r2/3 also express posterior Hox markers suggesting that the retinoic acid-induced transformation extends to multiple components of the first branchial arch .
25 Various spreadsheet programs used different menu systems showing that the system used by Lotus was expression and not idea .
26 If , in Australian Knitting Mills Ltd. v. Grant [ 1936 ] A.C. 85 , the plaintiff had been a babe in arms less than 12 months old , who had worn the defective singlet instead of Dr. Grant , could the action have been defeated by the knitting mills proving that the mills negligently manufactured the goods before the infant plaintiff was born ?
27 He beat off Harvey Gantt , his black Democratic challenger , with television commercials suggesting that whites were losing jobs to less qualified blacks .
28 And last night it came to a head with Mr MacSharry privately blaming his interfering boss for his decision to stand down , and Commission sources confirming that he felt badly let down by M Delors .
29 The Comoros presidential guard yesterday used teargas and clubs to disperse about 1,000 student protesters demanding that the French mercenary , Mr Bob Denard , and his men go home .
30 The Comoros presidential guard yesterday used teargas and clubs to disperse about 1,000 student protesters demanding that the French mercenary , Mr Bob Denard , and his men go home .
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