Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The old case authorities suggest that the nature of a share as property does not prevent such a course , but the more modern cases seem to incline towards some restrictions upon the use of votes where there is a conflict of interest involved .
2 Animal protection groups claim that the EC cosmetic industry accounts for about 50000 of the 200000 tests carried out worldwide on animals .
3 This uncompromising line by the main resistance groups implies that the USSR would need to maintain a political and military commitment to any Afghan regime which includes a PDPA component and emerges out of an international settlement .
4 The scarcity of modern director 's negligence cases suggests that the likelihood of liability actually being imposed is currently minimal .
5 Review of the case notes showed that coeliac disease had not been considered in any of these patients and the diagnoses that had been made were not supported by satisfactory evidence .
6 A cross national analysis of data on women in Maternity Care Monitoring Programmes determined that anaemia was twice as prevalent among women of fourth and higher order as among those with three or fewer children .
7 In July 1990 , for example , many arbitrageurs who had written futures contracts to buy FTSE 100 Index futures found that they were short of the FTSE contract close to the expiry deadline , and so attempted to reduce share prices to reduce the value of the index .
8 Defence experts indicated that the incident , which occurred during naval exercises some 80 miles west of Izmir , might have been caused by excessive stress among junior officers prompted by a long spell at sea .
9 Ageist attitudes ensure that caring for dependent and vulnerable older people is regarded as a low prestige , low priority enterprise by both health professionals and social workers .
10 These alignment rules mean that such computers do not in fact operate as pure byte-oriented machines , and are a consequence of a way in which the architecture of the computers has been implemented .
11 South Tees Health Authority will hear on Thursday it may be because teenagers can not always get condoms easily and they do not have the negotiating skills to insist that condoms are used during sexual intercourse .
12 Nutrition experts hope that after the kids have heard Scott 's message they will abandon the corner chip shop , forsake the packets of crisps and pack in the pot noodles and sweets .
13 Nonetheless , the sharp differences in survival curves between the three comorbidity groups indicate that this simple categorisation was valid .
14 The prevention of the formation of scum around baths , sinks and kitchen surfaces means that cleaning is faster , requires less cleaning agents , and is more hygienic .
15 John Evans ( 1990 ) in some research on Australian play times found that by far the greatest percentage of interactions recorded invoked the teacher in an authoritarian role , issuing requests and orders to children .
16 Is the Prime Minister aware that building employers say that conditions are worse than they have been in 40 years , that car sales are down 20 per cent .
17 Following an article in which drug experts warn that dog worming tablets and water oxygenating pills are being passed off as Ecstasy , there was a half-page advertisement .
18 Exit-poll findings and election returns showed that Tyminski had been most successful in the countryside and small towns , where the benefits of the economic reforms had so far been negligible , and among young people waiting for housing and workers concerned about their jobs .
19 But most architects involved in liability cases feel that there has been at least some contribution to his own losses by the claimant .
20 9 June University authorities warn that the poster campaign ‘ should stop ’ .
21 The census returns show that when people left London they usually moved only short distances but that migrants into London came from all over the place .
22 The census returns show that the majority of Camberwell 's population at any one time had been born in London — 65 per cent in 1861 ; 76 per cent in 1911 — but many families had moved frequently from district to district and from street to street .
23 In the neighbouring parish of Cosby the 1851 census returns show that both William and Mary Burbage , a couple in their forties , were working at frames , that the four eldest of their ten children were framework knitters , and that three more children worked at seaming ; the youngest worker was Elizabeth , aged six .
24 In 1881 , when the works employed some 500–600 men , the census returns noted that 19 per cent of the workforce came from the Dronfield area , 12 per cent from elsewhere in Derbyshire , 12 per cent from the Sheffield area and 57 per cent from further afield , especially from Staffordshire , Cambridgeshire , Lincolnshire , Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire .
25 A count of the 237 heads of households in the 1851 census returns reveals that 143 ( that is 60 per cent ) were framework knitters .
26 It 's all very well for all the major computer manufacturers to say that all the money is in software and services these days , and that hardware is a commodity business , but if no-one wants to make the hardware , there 's no industry .
27 The computer manufacturers hope that this will lead to increased sales of their workstations and personal computers that have CD-ROM drives installed , and in the future hope to develop the multimedia side of the business .
28 We then collect together all the remaining processor flags and registers into what is known as a process state word or PSW ( some computer manufacturers say that the P stands for " processor " , or , incorrectly , for " program " ) .
29 Ministry of Agriculture inspectors fear that the disease has spread from the Continent , and are carrying out detailed checks around Wood Farm , near Aylsham .
30 It took a three-minute phone call to the boiler manufacturers to discover that chimneys with cross sections larger than 100sq in needed metal liners , otherwise flue gases would condense on the sides and penetrate the walls .
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