Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I found fourteen matching characteristics in the ridge patterns of his fingerprints .
2 In turn the C & AG would have a right of overview and could instigate value for money investigations by his own staff or , perhaps more effectively , by the private sector auditors .
3 But after flying back from America with Lewis , he was already making contingency plans for his man being handed the title without throwing a punch .
4 He tipped my hand with his own strong grasp , spilling the cartridge cases into his left palm , then , one by one , he tossed the cartridge cases overboard .
5 Mr Kaifu said he was not considering scrapping the 3 per cent sales tax that contributed to severe election setbacks for his party in July .
6 Dr Ali had put both his index fingers in his ears and was rocking backwards and forwards in his chair .
7 Sister discusses with him the possibility of getting help from his General Practitioner and also points out to him that there may be support groups in his locality for people who wish to give up smoking or classes to learn relaxation techniques which may be helpful .
8 It was decided to build a huge central market , the construction of which was entrusted to Baltard , a man who was as much an engineer as an architect , on a site which had existed since the reign of Napoleon I. Succeeding regimes had neither had the will nor the drive to carry out the project as originally planned , but the Emperor was determined that this new market should be one of the earliest major building projects of his reign .
9 These are all Galloway words in his glossary ?
10 I do n't think he 'd have noticed if someone had dropped a set of kitchen units on his head from 30,000 feet .
11 He had a love of cars at a very early age and after serving as an engineer in the Royal Australian Air Force during the war , he started racing midget cars in his home country , winning the Australian Midget Car Championship in the five year between 1947–51 .
12 As a student on Imperial College 's petroleum geology MSc course , Mujadid had to go on a number of field trips during his year in the UK , but had not been able to buy suitable clothes for the British climate back home in Karachi .
13 It appeared as if Thomas had muscled aside John Robertson — a man with more than 200 Premier Division goals to his credit — in the six-yard box , to mark his debut with an opportunist goal .
14 A teacher who allowed schoolchildren to have under age sex and drug sessions at his home has been jailed for a year .
15 He pulled a handful of gold and silver chains from his sporran , tossing them beside her where she crouched .
16 Under the captaincy of McBride and the coaching skills of his Ballymena colleague Syd Millar , the Lions , with nine Irishmen in tow , won 21 of their 22 games , and were only denied a clean sweep when flanker Fergus Slattery was robbed of a try in the dying minutes of the Fourth and Final Test which ended in a 13–13 draw .
17 Davide would say , when he was first starting as a lawyer in Riba , on his return from America , and could speak up against the potlatch inclinations of his clients .
18 And what is certain to provide fuel for a partisan battleground next year , if he wins , is the string of tax cut proposals on his agenda .
19 William Ryder , 57 , took a bottle of barbiturate tablets from his pharmacy , went down to the beach and swallowed about 500 of them , an inquest heard yesterday .
20 Michael Parnell presented his research notes for his biography of Eric Linklater , 1984 .
21 Things he keeps , erm , little barrels , he keeps er number of balls , he 's had to put two pound coins in his pocket instead , and I think that 's put him off , anyhow he got it right .
22 On the question of giving an employee reasons for his dismissal , reasons need only be given if specifically requested by the employee ( Section 58 of the 1978 Act ) .
23 This was to come to light two years later when the Football Association appointed a commission to inquire into allegations that Sir Henry had offered financial inducements above the legal fees to attract players to Highbury and that he had diverted club funds to his private account .
24 Rhyme ‘ N ’ Reason ( pictured right ) is seen here welcomed home by villagers at Whitsbury Manor Stables after his 1988 triumph .
25 Triple X-rated comedian Kevin ‘ Bloody ’ Wilson , who started performing in football club smokos in his home town of Kalgoorlie five years ago , returns on Thursday .
26 The heir to the Blenheim Palace Estate was being sought after failing to pay more than ten thousand pounds in maintenance arrears to his wife Becky , who lives at Kiddington in Oxfordshire .
27 Amid continuing calls by opposition parties for his resignation and sporadic anti-government protests , President Carlos Andrés Pérez on March 10 announced that the centre-right Social-Christian Party ( COPEI ) with the second-largest representation in the legislature , had agreed to join in government with his own ruling Democratic Action ( AD ) party .
28 ‘ Suit yourself , doll , ’ replied Wull , picking a speck of dust off the velvet lapels of his jacket .
29 He crunched pea-nut shells under his feet and waded ankle-deep in ice-cream cartons , paper bags , cigarette packets , half-eaten apples .
30 The agreement to form separate groups was worked out at a meeting on Feb. 10 at the presidential residence in Lany , attended also by Czechoslovak President Vaclav Havel , who numbered many Liberal Club supporters among his closest associates but who had remained outside the conflict .
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