Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] had given " in BNC.

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1 So er that was a telephone call to the divisional officer , who was available at the moment and who came down and discussed it with the employer and notwithstanding that , in the afternoon I had given the management one hour to resolve the problem otherwise there was going to be a major walkout .
2 By sheer luck I had given Reuters their biggest news scoop since the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865 .
3 During that journey I had only travelled among the Adoimara , and at Bilen they had given me alarming accounts of the ferocity of the Asaimara in Bahdu .
4 Yes , that was the card he had given to old Jackdaw to post but he really did n't want all this aggravation , he was happy the way he was .
5 In view of the weight he had given to the idea of an aristocratic plot , Edward found his flat reaction to the name of Hamilton quite puzzling .
6 On March 26 Noubir Amaoui , secretary-general of the Democratic Confederation of Labour ( CDT ) — a trade union grouping close to the opposition Socialist Union of Popular Forces ( USFP ) — was arrested at the CDT offices in Casablanca in connection with an interview he had given to the Spanish newspaper El País on March 11 .
7 The police , most of whom I knew , because of the great help they had given us when we had been burgled a couple of years earlier , said no , they did n't have the key , and in any case it was the council who must be approached .
8 Half an hour later , I was in a forest eating the bread they had given me .
9 And what he was saying seemed to be in direct conflict to the hurtful reasons for their marriage he had given her on the drawbridge yesterday .
10 The prominence he had given to instruction in science had evidently made matters worse .
11 The TV star and founder of ChildLine said the article alleged she protected teacher Alex Standish because of help he had given her team in exposing child abuse at Crookham Court boys ' school in Thatcham , near Newbury , Berks .
12 Balliol also agreed to repay Edward for the help he had given in preparing the expedition by handing over to him land worth £2,000 a year to be selected from those parts of Scotland adjacent to England : in effect , the southern counties of Scotland were to be permanently ceded to England .
13 The tsar was wrong to think that he could rely on payment for the help he had given Austria in 1849 .
14 The SCDC Arts in Schools Project , although spoken of by the one LEA in the sample which was a participant in terms of gratitude for the support the Project 's staff had given , was criticized by staff in the other LEAs for the limited help it had given to them .
15 She tried to pull her scattered thoughts into some sort of order , but all she could do was wonder if the cold , level gaze he had given her betokened indifference or anger .
16 June Bascombe having given her report as Society Chairman thanked Kay Evans for the invaluable support she had given to the Society for so many years and presented her with a book token .
17 Then in case she had given an impression that London was not as good as here , she added , ‘ But there 's plenty of cabs . ’
18 There was no emotion in his voice ; but I was thinking of Alison , of that last look she had given me .
19 A cheque for the exact amount of money she had given Ryan .
20 The case does , however , demonstrate that , notwithstanding the absence of any actual undue influence and any actual misrepresentation , equities arose between the wife and her husband and , through Mr. Bruce , the wife and the bank that prevented the bank from enforcing against the wife the security she had given .
21 And she had also forgotten the stern lecture she had given herself earlier , she thought despairingly .
22 When an army investigator went to interview Ronald Haeberle , the army photographer who had been with Charlie Company , Haeberle produced some horrific colour slides of the killings and said that he had included some of them in an illustrated talk about the war he had given to various clubs , teachers ' associations and youth groups .
23 Then , the moment he had given it up , the old Hunt returned .
24 The inevitable consequence of his marriage was that he forfeited his fellowship , and the security it had given him .
25 What a strange wedding-gift he had given her too , when he came up to the manor the other afternoon , making her feel like a tenant in her own home ; which , of course , had once been his .
26 He could tell , from the way she had hesitated and from the smile she had given .
27 Phoebe , on the other hand , suddenly could not remember what false name she had given when she made the appointment .
28 She liked to tease Alix about her hair , which was forever wispily descending from its large wooden slide : Toni 's own curled neatly in angelic dyed blonde braids , and sometimes on request she had given Alix lessons in hair management , but Alix could not , would not learn .
29 Had the time come to forget the promise they had made each other , the guarantee they had given never to meet or speak ?
30 She did n't answer , for the simple reason that she could n't think of anything to say because the smile he had given her had been so totally unlike any other he had turned in her direction , so warm , and devastating , crinkling his eyes …
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