Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 PS I enclose a photograph of the wedding , and also last week 's christening .
2 As I opened the case I heard a groaning , splintering noise , which caused me to experience extreme pain as the bridge flew off and whacked me on the side of the head !
3 In this case I chose a mount measuring approximately 17. 5cm ( 7in ) square , with a 7. 5-cm ( 3-in ) diameter aperture .
4 That was in case I had a ‘ hypo ’ , ’ she recalls .
5 So much so that she decided to call the police and give them my registration number , just in case I made a habit of kerb-crawling .
6 In this case I feel a deep conviction that I 'm not making a mistake .
7 At Asda a spokesman said : ‘ One or two stores do still have Tracy Island but I dare not say where in case I start a stampede . ’
8 In my case I have a Canon PW1080A dot matrix printer and therefore I have selected an Epson FX80 driver for both WordPerfect and Windows .
9 Oh yeah that thing might come so I 'll keep a check out in case I see a
10 And always in its straight bole I have a stop watch to tell me whether the slowest clouds are sliding and at what a pace a storm is travelling .
11 In this instance I have a better chance of getting the ball close by using the slope to let the ball run down to the flag .
12 Chairman I have a copy of the environmental impact assessment report in respect of East Bank options , West End Road and Ipswich Northern bypass , they 've been on my desk from
13 Chairman I have an amendment to that motion , because , because I believe it 's important that we start to identify a lot of councils publish at the end of the year for public consumption a list of the allowances drawn by members , and I think that would be very useful and I would make , as an amendment , I would , would add to the proposal put by Mr that we call for a report to be pu er , to be presented to us of the amounts of allowances drawn by members , each member
14 I walked this afternoon from my room to the School and in the lane I met a cat carrying a hedge sparrow .
15 For an instant I saw a different woman : not the sour , bored old creature I had grown to expect , but someone strong and humorous .
16 At that instant I learnt a lesson I have never forgotten : never , ever use a camera that you have not tested , ’
17 At that instant I felt a pang in my heart !
18 This continuity has practical as well as expressive value , because it facilitates the organic style of change I mentioned a moment ago as a practical advantage .
19 I went down the steps at the sign of the big neon M. I put a five-copeck piece into the automatic entrance which wo n't prevent non-payers travelling but buses in order to embarrass them .
20 In addition I organized a body of prominent citizens into what we called ‘ China-Canada Incorporated ’ , and I was able to get my friend Dr Norman ‘ Larry ’ MacKenzie , President of the University of British Columbia , to serve as its Chairman .
21 With great difficulty I obtained a copy of this document and while it stated that ‘ public servants should not reveal the opinions and attitudes of colleagues as to the government business with which they have been concerned ’ , another section said quite clearly that a reasonable timescale for a public servant 's silence would be ‘ fifteen years or for the service life of the adviser , whichever is the longer ’ .
22 Without difficulty I found a Bed and Breakfast house , equally smart and highly polished , and settled down for a pre-exploratory nap .
23 In initiating my original purchase I incur an obligation to make a payment in money , but I in turn have to have a source from which I can acquire the money in the first place , and this will , directly or indirectly , put me into at least a temporary relationship with a great variety of people , including the reader who purchased this book from a bookstall and paid out money , some small fraction of which will eventually find its way back to myself .
24 Now I 've got that off my chest I have a few questions for you :
25 At club level I did a lot of long and triple jumping , making 14.25 metres at the latter .
26 The system then details the attributes in which the user his indicated an interest .
27 inside it and then for you and mum I bought a little something , it was one pound forty .
28 Over and over I told my mum I wanted a bike .
29 ‘ It 's about your Mum I wanted a word with you .
30 Mum I want a drink of milk
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