Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [be] in " in BNC.

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1 For a change I was in the right place at the right time and got a job , with housing , at the Folger Theatre in Washington DC .
2 Honey I 'm in clover Hovering
3 Of course I am in full agreement with you that the market for IT products is growing and will continue to expand in the foreseeable future .
4 Of course I was in a fever to hear again , but as his regiment was sent back into the line , I did not have further word till April , when he responded to that phrase with the comment : ‘ I think you would consider that this lily has grown into rather a thistle … seriously , though , I 'm not the same little lad you last saw ; I feel so much older because of my life in the last year . ’
5 I was nineteen — of course I was in awe of you .
6 Well it was steady income I was in the house every night my wife was happy .
7 The last branch I was in was very small , and I got a lot of feedback from them .
8 He remembered one of the gunmen kept repeating : ‘ If you guys ai n't got no money I 'm in the mood to kill tonight . ’
9 One of the killers allegedly said : ‘ If you guys ai n't got no money I 'm in the mood to kill tonight . ’
10 Away from Cairo HQ I 'm in sole charge of ninety physicians and their wives on a pre-congress beano — four days of cruising the Nile and doing the sites .
11 Er l After I finished my apprenticeship I was in a union .
12 domesticity Lover I 'm in clover
13 ‘ My first term I was in there six times , ’ Hortensia said .
14 She must bear in mind she was in control of the pictures in her head .
15 ‘ The chief thing to remember , ’ he said , ‘ is that when you lose your fear you 're in real danger . ’
16 As a minority shareholder you 're in no position to get anything out of Richard .
17 ‘ She lays it at our door , I am sure , and yet it is not our fault she is in difficulties . ’
18 Ninety percent of them said yes , that it depends on how you present the figures , so in actual fact I wonder how our tenant farmers all of a sudden find themselves in a position that they perhaps would rather sign a petition and not put their heads above the parapet bearing in mind you are in a community , bear in mind you are connected , bear in mind that your livelihood is with those others and I have to say it is true that a certain business in my area connected with farming has been threatened .
19 Right you just have to remember that whatever key you 're in , you 've got to remember the sharps or flats from that key .
20 A glint of admiration showed in his eyes , and before she could open her mouth she was in his arms and his mouth was on hers .
21 on the other side of the sun and the moon 's on that side and we 're on that side we 're in the light .
22 Do n't give me all that about the ban from Europe , it is because of the way the game has gone in England that we are not the force we were in European competition .
23 Four teenagers suffered minor injuries after the car they were in crashed through a fence near Front Street , Blyth , Northumberland .
24 Certainly one thing is noticeable Leicester have n't er quite dropped back into the gear they were in in the first half Ron have they ?
25 " In Several parts of the Country , they have already established the Herring Gauge Barril filled to the Brim as a proper measure by which Putatoes aught to be bought and sold , and that four fulls of the said Barril shou 'd constitute the Boll , but that in other quarters of the Countrey they are in use to Buy and Sell Putatoes by a Creel measure which is very uncertain .
26 ‘ … a more meaningful and relevant physical geography may emerge as the product of a new generation of physical geographers who are willing and able to face up to the contemporary needs of the whole subject , and who are prepared to concentrate on the areas of physical reality which are especially relevant to the man-oriented geography It is in the extinction of the traditional division between physical and human geography that new types of collaborative synthesis can arise . ’
27 In the corridor she had passed compartments full of young men playing cards , who looked up and appraised her face and figure with impersonal interest , and when she found another seat it was in a compartment with three other women travelling up to London on their own , all with suitcases and trim suits and carefully made-up faces .
28 I ca n't remember the telly programme he was in something like Budgie it was n't Budgie though .
29 I mean there are some Conservatives who do actually believe in the social welfare of the but there are also , I 'm I 'm sure there are large numbers who actually know what vicious streak there is behind a lot of the other measures of social control that have gone on in this country since consensus was in nineteen seventy nine er you actually realise what what a tragedy it is in this area .
30 It 's my fault he 's in this mess .
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