Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] time and " in BNC.

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1 Although there is usually a link between time and resources , this is not always the case and adding more staff can be counterproductive at certain stages of a job .
2 Instead , longitudinal studies incorporating a time dimension are also required for supplying historical perspective , together with a sharper appreciation of change through time and the conditions which generate it .
3 Each aspect of a project must have a plan or standard to be monitored , against which are the budget for cost , programme for time and brief for performance .
4 Plato 's intimate association of time and the universe led him to regard time as being actually produced by the revolutions of the celestial sphere .
5 ‘ Of course , all this takes a great deal of time and money .
6 What Charles said in major speeches which he put a great deal of time and thought into , seldom went farther than the four walls he spoke within .
7 I spent a great deal of time and study on it , over half a year , before I was ready to conduct it .
8 Another form of game which has become popular among teachers other than drama teachers has been ‘ simulation ’ , where elaborate game structures are set up usually involving a great deal of time and application in order to teach some specific subject-matter about the civic planning of motorways , starvation in the Third World or executive decision-making in industry .
9 Arthur Bennett was a builder and house decorator , living in Croydon , England , who devoted a great deal of time and energy to the study of the Scottish flora .
10 All this of course took up a great deal of time and delayed the completion of Robyn 's thesis on the nineteenth-century industrial novel , which had to be constantly revised to take the new theories into account .
11 The areas involved are very large and it will take the oil companies a great deal of time and money to cover them .
12 Since foxes are basically nocturnal animals it takes a great deal of time and patience to shoot a fox , and also a good shot at close range .
13 In its initial year the new department spent a great deal of time and energy intervening in the private sector to try to save jobs , especially in the cutlery and engineering sectors .
14 In retrospect , the research might have been easier in a situation with fewer functional elements , as a great deal of time and effort was directed at trying to tabulate the information links between the system components and construct a comprehensive information model .
15 Carers can be completely tied to their homes , their days a daily round of housework , laundry , dressing , feeding and toiletting which consumes a great deal of time and effort .
16 No doubt you will be putting a great deal of time and effort into the arrangements for your wedding , ensuring that your chosen colour theme and style are just right .
17 A good deal of time and intelligence has been invested in the exposure of racism and the horrific results on its objects .
18 ‘ A great deal of time and trouble has been spent in preparing our submission and we are very pleased with it , ’ said Test and County Cricket Board chief executive Alan Smith .
19 The two officers outside , having spent a great deal of time and effort befriending the young boxer dogs Lila kept to ward off unwanted guests , scratched at the kitchen door in imitation of the dogs .
20 It takes a great deal of time and money to establish a brand which explains why predators may be willing , when purchasing a company with strong brand identification , to pay far more than the stock market valuation of that company .
21 And while she always spent a great deal of time and money on their Christmas presents , they only ever sent her a packet of scented drawer liners or a box of soap .
22 It finds that the surveyed authorities spent a ‘ great deal of time and effort ’ developing the so-called care programme approach , although they had largely failed to implement monitoring systems .
23 CDC has already spent a great deal of time and money on an effort to stabilise the product , but faced with pressure from customers trying to use it , is hoping to speed the process up .
24 Another exceptional service available to Harvey Nichols customers is Personal Shopping offering individual consultation and advice on every aspect of your image and wardrobe , with total respect for your own budget , so saving a great deal of time and indecision .
25 So many parents invest a great deal of time and energy in protecting them .
26 Inaccessible public transport systems have meant that a good deal of time and resources have gone towards enabling people to travel to and from meetings .
27 ‘ A great deal of time and effort has gone into ensuring that all materials and finishes co-ordinate effectively and that the work was carried out to the highest possible standards , befitting a grand old Bank , ’ said Tony Caroli , Property Project Manager .
28 The House has given a great deal of detailed attention to the Bill , and the promoters and the petitioners have devoted a great deal of time and effort to the case .
29 Extracting fossils from the rock and removing the rock that partially hides the specimens takes a great deal of time and expertise .
30 These are related , however , if the first is a matter of central belief to a person , as it often is with religion — what they spend a great deal of time and effort on , what makes them tick .
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