Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [Wh det] give " in BNC.

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1 This latter kind of language — language in use , for communication — is called discourse ; and the search for what gives discourse coherence is discourse analysis .
2 She was heard to pause before going into the bathroom , the latch of which gave its distinctive click .
3 Moreover , recent work has shown that much of the heat energy in the seas of the North Atlantic ( every square kilometre of which gives off as much energy as a nuclear power station and hence influences our weather ) is absorbed from sunlight in the tropical Pacific and is carried by ocean currents through the Drake Passage and up into the Atlantic .
4 In the absence of detailed requirements , the question of what gives a true and fair view is notoriously subjective .
5 There are good arguments for limiting a field of study to make it manageable ; but it is also true to say that the answer to the question of what gives discourse its unity may be impossible to give without considering the world at large : the context .
6 Er now clearly if the if the members had si had been simply the highways committee had been deciding the preferred route simply on the basis of which gives the greatest traffic relief then on that basis they would have chosen an inner northern .
7 It even understands that by repeating the chorus to the fade , you give Gary Davies a perfect platform from which to give the traffic update .
8 Obsessional neurosis is shown in the patient 's being occupied with thoughts in which he is in fact not interested , in his being aware of impulses which appear very strange to him and his being led to actions the performance of which give him no enjoyment but which it is quite impossible for him to omit .
9 The book of which gave him most satisfaction was William Neil 's One Volume Bible Commentary .
10 The tiled roof over the single south aisle was stripped off and partly replaced with bronze-coloured aluminium glazing bars framing bronze-tinted ‘ anti-sun ’ glass , the upper panels of which are laid to the same slope as the original roof , the lower panels producing a range of shallow vertical windows , the combination of which gives ‘ conservatory ’ lighting to the first floor flats ( Plate 23 ) .
11 However it is n't easy to get reliable information on what to give , and when .
12 It had only a very small , hardly noticeable brass plate outside which gave nothing away .
13 If we are to find the answer to the problem of what gives stretches of language unity and meaning , we must look beyond the formal rules operating within sentences , and consider the people who use language , and the world in which it happens as well .
14 Section 61(1) of the Sale of Goods Act defines a warranty as ’ … an agreement with reference to goods which are the subject of a contract of sale , but collateral to the main purpose of such contract , the breach of which gives rise to a claim for damages , but not to a right to reject the goods and treat the contract as repudiated . ’
15 There has been much confusion here mainly because the SGA 1979 uses the words " condition " and " warranty " as technical expressions , the breach of which gives the right to treat the contract as at an end in the case of a condition ( s11(3) of SGA 1979 ) , or in the case of a subsidiary term like a warranty , the breach of which only sounds in damages ( s61(1) of SGA 1979 ) .
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