Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the massive recession between 1979 and 1981 was caused by too severe a financial squeeze .
2 Proof of that was to be found in the returns to Parliament during 1826 and 1827 which showed that out of sixty-seven executions ordered against goods only forty produced payment .
3 In March 1982 , matters came further to a head when the ILEA informed the polytechnic that it was withholding its block grant for 1982–3 until the financial crisis had been resolved .
4 The four double blind challenges that were done were negative and only 30% maintained remission for longer than 12 months indicating no influence of elimination diets on the duration of remission .
5 significantly , pupils of this type tend to have acquired significant degrees of work experience through part-time and spare-time work and also to possess the social skills of network membership which facilitate grape-vine recruitment ( of course , both of these things are affected by local unemployment levels ) .
6 By entering reaction time data in an analysis of covariance , a statistical technique which enables the influence of one or more extraneous variables to be taken into account when assessing the effect of the principle variable of interest , De Renzi and his colleagues ( Arrigoni and De Renzi , 1964 ; De Renzi and Faglioni , 1965 ) hoped to control for possible differences in extent of damage between left and right hemisphere groups .
7 It is reached from the A164 by a lane about one mile long with wide verges , or by a lane about one and a half miles long from the B1248 .
8 The maturing of British cinema between 1939 and 1945 is often seen as a particular response to the conditions of wartime , when filmmakers were called upon to communicate to audiences an idea of ‘ what we are fighting for . ’
9 Others joined the constant patrolling , giving rise through deliberate and other rumours to the Japanese belief in a steady flow of reinforcements from overseas .
10 This increase , accelerated by the recession , has meant inequality and discrimination for hundreds and thousands of workers .
11 Applying such reasoning in its full rigour would reduce the division between jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional error to vanishing point .
12 In the absence of any clear division between administrative and judicial functions , even the humblest official enjoyed arbitrary power .
13 There is no absolutely sharp division between brittle and ductile substances but generally speaking brittle solids have fairly well defined characteristics .
14 Although the division between nomadic and urban cultures has diminished in recent years , most of the older , more established weaving groups have retained their traditional allegiance to either geometric or curvilinear designs .
15 If he does , he will find that , among other things , it makes no division between vocational and non-vocational adult education .
16 — There is no division between civil and religious law .
17 In an age of the commercial exploitation of discoveries , and the marketing of research work , the division between pure and applied research has almost vanished .
18 Most descriptive studies in Britain base their classifications on the Registrar-General 's ranking of occupations from I to V , according to their supposed prestige , with a major division between middle-class or white-collar workers ( I , II , and III non-manual ) and working-class or manual workers ( III manual , IV and V ) .
19 The unnatural but popular division between righteous and unrighteous anger can get many people in a theological and practical muddle .
20 The division between individual and social psychology seems to disappear .
21 And too sharp a division between central and local government may also be misleading .
22 In the course of two years North developed his own slide show , part accurate , part exaggeration , part emotion , and this representation was the bedrock of the domestic campaign for the contras : the world in 57 pictures of blurry military bases and Communist commandantes , utterly simple in its division between good and bad , and curiously believable .
23 But the relevant division between fixed and variable components in literature is by no means so obvious .
24 The once-great arena has staged just a handful of fights since Jim Watt ruled the WBC lightweight division between 1979 and 81 .
25 That may , in some respects , be healthy but it also has to be said that those reticences marked a division between private and public spheres which may have made compromise possible .
26 The key factor in the overall course of British economic development has been the particular , even unique , class character of British capitalism in the division between industrial and finance capital which has itself entailed a spatial division between the industrial provinces and the metropolitan hub of finance and commerce .
27 The international system not only has a major division between communist and capitalist states but also deeper cultural divisions between what are usually termed the First and Third worlds .
28 The exception had become the rule ; nearly half the counties had lost their largest urban centres ; the division between rural and urban local government had hardened in a form which caused controversy for nearly a century , and which is still reflected in the current structure ( Hampton 1966:464 — 5 ) .
29 One of the first things that I noticed in my workplace was that there was an entrenched , hostile division between Black and white colleagues .
30 It is permissible to ‘ contract out ’ of s 24 by creating a division between active and ‘ sleeping ’ partners .
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