Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] we could " in BNC.

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1 I think the more people who are aware of the alternatives that are in the building industry we could improve on this .
2 A time was to be fixed for the expedition in the month of November , and by leaving in the evening on the ebb tide we could expect to reach the shores of Wight with the full morning flood .
3 For a teaching museum we could n't have hoped for a better gift .
4 From his vantage point we could see the top of the road blazing to high heaven .
5 Using a technical term borrowed from electron optics we could say that the electron beam gets defocused .
6 It was alright at Euston Station on the way up because we had plenty of time for loading — but — on the return journey we could see the train approaching while still careering through the country lanes on our coach .
7 Over the next months , rival consortia considered how to finance the new investment while at the Transport Department we could do little more than wait .
8 It is also a real lesson in how to avoid the obvious without being freakish , how to start with the stimulus of a hot vegetable dish , how to vary the eternal purée of potatoes with your meat ( lacking chestnut flour we could try instead a purée of lentils or split peas ) , how to follow it with a fresh , bright , unexpected salad ( that excellent mixture of corn salad and beetroot — how often does one meet with it nowadays ? ) and since by that time most people would have had enough without embarking on cheese , de Pomiane is brave enough to leave it out .
9 Floy said , ‘ If we could find the path to the Forest Court we could be sure of help . ’
10 was a bit drunk one afternoon at about four o'clock and he said , ‘ If it was just an ‘ oul book we could have done something for you but with marrying this foreign woman you 're a hopeless case . ’
11 Sitting up in the cold morning light we could have been sprayed by a fine grey snow as we slept — dust from the Kalahari which I can still smell in my clothes .
12 If only there were a little chocolate bar we could give her .
13 From the front attic window we could see down the rue de Fleuve to the river .
14 You could try it if you had like a black vest top we could just experiment could n't we ?
15 Oh I erm found out what that brass instrument we could n't think of .
16 From our dressing room we could see the typhoon winds drag most of the marquees , and the second stage , into the sea .
17 The study carrels were empty because of the cold weather : snow and ice covered the deserted garden though from the abbey church we could hear the faint chanting of Lauds .
18 With a little bit of luck in their penalty area we could have won the game .
19 Extract 1 A : so if there 's a hardware store we could call in and get one on the way back B : do you think there is one A : yes B : OK then * A : that would be nice would n't it ?
20 In the bureau mirror we could see the wife 's doleful reflection bouncing against a background of blue sky .
21 Alvin Toffler is an old hero of mine — a warrior in the cause of future thought — a role model to whom we mere mortal businesspeople could possibly aspire , and about whose bank balance we could certainly dream .
22 There is perhaps one area of poll tax we could make a change and that is the surcharge imposed on the people who have to pay the debts of the non-payers .
23 Er , if those that were earning over a certain amount , who certainly do n't need this child benefit to same the degree anyway , that 's those of at the lower end of the pay scale we could they could certainly save a lot of money , and they would n't have to do the squeeze down on the ones that would have the most .
24 So when planning the board for the UV Exposure Timer we could utilise a p.c.b .
25 That 's you know it was all purely hypothetical the figures they produced but er they were comparing it to what we had pr previously been producing we all sort of realized that for a set production figure we could have been up to forty pound worse off , per week .
26 From any starting point we could move through the maze in such a way as to recreate the dodo , the tyrannosaur and trilobites .
27 As a starting point we could write to er Graham , and invite him to visit
28 The February play was A Thriller of the Year , with an all-female cast our original choice of play was A Death Trap we could n't cast it because of a lack of men auditioning .
29 At least if it were pitch black we could really get an idea of what it will be like to ‘ walk through the Channel Tunnel ’ .
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