Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] because i " in BNC.

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1 Well , wait a minute , I think maybe you do need a money adviser because I know what you 're doing with some of your money , you 're subsidising your staff meals through the County Council canteen .
2 For example , if the patient says ‘ I can not possibly measure my own blood glucose because I am at work all day ’ , the patient might be lost if the doctor were to insist .
3 When I got my first job out of training it was at Worthing in a juvenile leading role and I got my Equity card because I had been chosen .
4 Swirling sand made visibility terrible — I had to fly the aircraft looking down through the side window because I could n't see ahead .
5 I agree , sometimes I can tell you I have witnessed a hunt and on a cold , frosty morning when er about forty or fifty horses are thundering across the ploughed field , it 's enough to p the power of that sight is enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up that 's not what we are against the hunter that came to me and says Eh up lad , I wo n't go drag hunting because I 'm sixty years old , I 've done it all my life and I like the ride , I like to be there I never see a fox killed that 's fact , it 's in the video .
6 and there was this very charming medical student so I could n't tell the golfing joke because I
7 Marie 's parents had strong religious views that made her feel very guilty about having sex in their home when she and her husband had to live there for a while : " We did it on the bedroom floor on the wedding night because I would n't use the bed , in case it made a noise .
8 It was an extra cost but also I learned in the end like the top earners do er and I guess I was mister average because I was coming in to do this job not that one , erm I I decided or worked out that I could do two or three deals in a day between a certain hour .
9 I argued over the wording of the campaign slogan because I felt that ‘ Do n't Forget the British Hostages in Beirut ’ was better than ‘ Free the Hostages ’ or ‘ Support the Hostages ’ .
10 Erm what this is really about , I think we all recognise this is the erm purchaser aim to increase their leverage in the contract situation as against the providers on the other side of contract and in fact , I think we ought to tie this very much more in with what this authority has been saying about the proposals of the trust on the provider side because I think that this is an argument against the whole district N H S trusts that we 're getting , but it is encouraging the situation in which health authorities have purchasers on the other side of the contract are going to want to band together and merge to create a larger block in which to negotiate with their whole trust providers , I think this is a a very dangerous situation and think we needed to tie the two together as an argument there .
11 You see this is why I want the management committee because I do n't really want to bother of interviewing somebody else and getting somebody else , do you see what I mean ? .
12 I am not too worried about the new council tax because I doubt whether it will see the light of day .
13 And it was n't a shock when I got my first hit record because I was trying for that all our lives and so she backed me all the way .
14 They did not push me out of their watering hole because I was unsuitably dressed , but because females are only admissible if they are willing to pose as deferential ‘ little women ’ .
15 Now we spoke about Bob Smith or whoever , tell me what 's his telephone number because I 'd like to meet the guy and see what he says .
16 But I can , I took his , no do n't worry , I took his telephone number because I said look , I do I 'm , I 'm not sure if anything might come up
17 I , do n't mind being used as a guinea pig because I feel that it 'll help people in the future .
18 Could I make a constructive suggestion in this context of board salaries or remunerations or compensation packages or bonuses I 'm saying that in a slightly tongue in cheek way because I believe that the majority of shareholders do n't understand the differences between these concepts , as you gentlemen evidently do .
19 Hang on , you 're gon na have to move that swimming bag because I 'm gon na put a bag of carrots in .
20 I was seething at your sign person because I thought we have no way of doing this for about at least two months
21 he thinks that he can buy I could buy this standing space because I 'm a businessman and I 've got lots of money .
22 Earlier in the debate , I was rightly pulled up by Madam Deputy Speaker because I left the Chamber after moving the amendment .
23 ‘ The first time we met I thought she was gorgeous but I did n't ask for her phone number because I imagined every man must do that .
24 and that 's what and I completely the checkout girl because I , I know her quite well , we always have to guess the same one , we have a bit of a laugh and I said do you want to be erm part of a national survey on s this English er on spoken English and she said oh , alright , so I said there you are your on
25 I avoided the chocolate cake because I thought it looked a little sickly .
26 For example , he took comfort from the deflationary economic measures of July 1966 , which he opposed , as it gave him the chance ‘ to reassert collective Cabinet authority because I see how disastrous it is to allow Cabinet government to decline into mere Prime Ministerial government … if I achieved anything it was by asserting the right of Cabinet to take part in the making of economic strategy so that Harold conceded we must be given that right ’ .
27 Er , I think there are certain papers well further down er , the agenda that , that might be taken to P A G as well , in relation to capital programmes , so if , if we can possibly speak about the generality of the capital programme because I think the idea is that it goes to P A G for refinements .
28 ‘ I prefer playing at centre half because I like to attack the ball in the air and I 'm in the thick of it more in the middle . ’
29 And the last three weeks I 've put on road safety because I know there 's a lot of road safety stuff
30 Sometimes , when drunk , he would regale me with stories of his footballing prowess , but such stories went past me like galley smoke because I could not bring myself to enquire , nor indeed to care , about the differences between a Tight End and a flea-flicker .
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