Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Remove the needle protection strip and with clean cloth , rub it well .
2 The amount of money held by an individual to finance these transactions , therefore , is likely to depend on the size of the individual 's money income and on institutional arrangements , such as how often the individual is paid and how often he pays his bills and engages in monetary transactions .
3 Now , you remember the really big puzzle on there , the imaginary bit goes there , and minus seven of something along the route bit and minus twenty four of them , so I 'm going minus seven six hundred and twenty fifths there , minus twenty four , seven , so the actual lines go like that , so the one point nine at that angle , so the actual is going to be which is two sixty one point nine .
4 It should come through day-to-day teacher contact , and through language specialists ' involvement in support teaching and in helping their colleagues to use appropriate language consistently across the curriculum .
5 The inner cities have been hit by reductions in rate support grant and by rate capping .
6 ‘ It is difficult to make the transition because the normal prerequisite of a finance director is that they must have had board level experience and as a financial controller reporting to a director it 's very difficult to get that . ’
7 It 's for this reason that many of the shop stewards ' conferences that we 've convened in the last year have been pressing a policy of consolidating bonus pay into the basic rates and we 've achieved some small success in this in building brick and in one or two other industries .
8 We each filled ourselves a small glass of vodka , and he said , ‘ George Dionisovich , I will try to help you for your kind heart and for your kind deeds ’ .
9 In more recent years new buildings have included the Computing Centre , the Institute of German , Austrian and Swiss Affairs , research accommodation both at University Park and at the School of Agriculture , and further student residences .
10 The plan , drawn up by Wilbur L. Ross Jr. , senior managing director of Rothschild Inc. , calls for selling portions of real estate adjacent to the Society 's Central Park West building and for the eventual sale of $20 million worth of art from its collection , valued at $1 billion .
11 If you are on income support and aged 60 or over you will automatically receive £6 for any consecutive period of seven days when the average temperature is 0 degrees celsius or below .
12 Most are living in north London , on income support and with help from Kurdish groups .
13 Together , these factors contribute to the low percentage of unemployed women claiming unemployment benefit and income support and to the stark gender differences in patterns of income maintenance among unemployed people ( Table 9.2 ) .
14 That extra sum is very much needed by people who rely on the state pension or on income support and by those who rely on the state pension and a small occupational pension which disqualifies them from receiving income support .
15 Thirdly , as the Government are turning a blind eye to many of the disregards being allowed for people on income support and in residential and nursing care , could that be codified and made safe for all forms of disregard ?
16 Even if not as ancient or beautiful as the Charles Bridge , it is a lovely artefact from which one commands splendid views of the Parliament Building and of the skylines of Buda and Pest .
17 After about a week to ten days the fry will be able to take newly-hatched brine shrimp and from here on the growth rate is very rapid .
18 We should , however , briefly note that because of their dependence on inside management for their tenure of office , their likely minority position , and the absence of a legal specification of the monitoring function and of the powers necessary to perform it , the potential for non-executive directors to exercise meaningful control over the executive members of the board will usually be slight .
19 Either English for Business ( Second Level ) or English for Commerce ( Second Level ) must be passed for the Second Level Business Studies Certificate award and for the Second Level Group Certificate in Shorthand and typewriting award .
20 The latter document re-emphasized the need for a national curriculum framework and for the delineation of a common core of learning for all pupils .
21 The amount of attrition can be readily observed in the rounded nature of many cliffs below the high tide level and in the rounding of the beach material itself .
22 The implications are therefore that , where bilingual pupils need extra help , this should be given in the classroom as part of normal lessons and that there may be a need for bilingual teaching support and for books and other written material to be available in the pupils ’ mother tongues until such time as they are competent in English .
23 This is not an easy task when one considers both the diversity of the user base and of the datasets .
24 So the only way they can get at the crees is through the west field and along the path here . ’
25 So the alkali any alkaline use C A O H twice , for the base C A O calcium oxide and for the carbonate C A C O three ,
26 I had on my wrist — besides my CompC phone , now useless — a new disposable watch , powered by a uranium isotope and worth at least seventy thousand dollars at current going price in U.S.A. , 2020 .
27 In addition to the daily service there are functions in a main function suite and in conference rooms on every floor .
28 It is hoped that some refresher sessions will be included in the Easter Course and at the weekends at Green Park which provide insight into the up-to-date methods of teaching Medau .
29 AST Research Inc 's agreement to buy Tandy Corp 's personal computer manufacturing business will shoot the Irvine , California company up to fourth place in the US market ahead of Dell Computer Corp and behind Apple Computer Inc , IBM Corp and Compaq Computer Corp — but why should anyone want to buy a personal computer manufacturer — after all no-one came in for bankrupt Everex Systems Inc : the answer is that the deal includes full access to Tandy 's retail stores — AST will supply machines to be sold under the Tandy brand name ; the plant in Scotland is also an attraction .
30 There two ways to upgrade to a 386 — by adding a coprocessor card and by replacing the motherboard .
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