Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [coord] give " in BNC.

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1 Our range is unique in the contract industry and gives us a sales aid second to none .
2 And if you 're worried in case anyone in the family has drunk out of a cup her husband used , or sat on the same loo seat or given him a friendly kiss , relax .
3 Sharon Gless , of television 's Cagney and Lacey fame , collected her 1987 Emmy for the best actress category and gave much of the credit to Lazaris , her spirit guide .
4 And the very day we were with her she opened a new Citizens ' Advice Bureau in Beccles with considerable aplomb — no easy task after SHE fashion team had stunned the locals by setting up an ironing board in the middle of the town car park and giving Christine 's purple suit a quick press on the spot .
5 Everybody will be looking for a smooth , powerful ride that minimises wind resistance and gives the most direct transfer of muscular power to amazing speed along the road .
6 The recordings , which are brought to life through a variety of voices and sound effects , aid fluency and give confidence with pronunciation .
7 I was put in touch with the British Refugee Council and given a room in one of their hostels .
8 But many member firms are concerned that control of any new system should be taken away from the Stock Exchange and given to a new independent agency , or even the Bank of England itself .
9 Following the successful disco session arranged by the Greater London , S.E. Regional Movement and Dance Liaison Group and given by Peggy Spencer in February , a follow-up is now being planned .
10 ‘ This ’ says Mr Canta , ‘ will speed up the whole reporting process and give Intergraph more time for analysis ’ .
11 She detailed Amy to take them into the interview room and give them tea and stay with them , and she and Ben went alongside the trolley into Resus .
12 If you have any further donations of clothes and intend passing them onto Jean at Church would you either leave them in your car boot or give Jean a call first , so she can pick them up … !
13 She ca n't spend all day monitoring my blood sugar and giving me my thyroid medicine , and if I ca n't paint I shall go mad ! ’
14 It allows for the development of skills appropriate to each study area and gives teachers the opportunity to explore the specific approaches which are appropriate to particular subject disciplines .
15 ‘ These new slides ( tissues from the dead baby ) were made privately and never shown to me , and the defence pathologist 's ( John Emery ) change of opinion was deliberately kept secret until I was in the witness box and giving my evidence .
16 Each document is signed by a British mandate official and gives in detail the figures of sale and settlement in the name of the Palestinian who inherited or bought the land .
17 Elizabeth Mowbray poured a little wine into a silver cup and gave it to her .
18 It takes carbon dioxide and gives oxygen .
19 Following this success , McKee has now been promoted to official movie guru and given his own Without Walls series Reel Secrets ( C4 on Tuesday : 9.30–10.00 pm ) .
20 This policy gives them a much needed spread of risk of buyer and of export market and gives the policyholder the best ‘ rate on line ’ : ie the percentage ratio between the amount of premium and the level of cover provided .
21 If I allow other hon. Members to contribute , perhaps I could have five minutes or so , along with Opposition spokesmen , to make my wind-up speech and give a total justification of what the Government are doing .
22 When you do , we will keep the tape running and give you a cue line .
23 However , each centre will deal with only one moderator who will thus have the opportunity to develop a more ‘ in depth ’ understanding of the centre 's assessment strategy , encourage integration between areas of study , ensure that there is no undue overlap or gaps in the overall assessment plan and give continuity .
24 Panic assumed the Defence portfolio and gave Minister without Portfolio Ljubisa Rakic responsibility for co-ordinating the government 's international activities .
25 But we made rather a mistake on the way back , and we were picked up by an Army lorry and taken to West Friar House on the south side and given hot tea and something to eat .
26 Findlay , is due in today and providing he overcomes his jetlag , he could again prove the trump card and give his team a rare victory over Bury , who have already beaten them on all four occasions the two teams have met this season .
27 Some folk in the village said it was a public disgrace that a maid like Martha Pascoe should be bartered for with barrels of fish , but most saw the whole affair as a great joke , because when all was said and done , the lass was unlikely to marry Sam or Harry or anyone else against her will , and if she could use their ardour to win a few more stone of pilchards and thereby swell the village purse and give everyone a bit of harmless fun , then more power to her elbow .
28 However , latest th er Microfit not only gives you the test statistic but gives you erm the significance level , probability value er which erm that test statistic is significantly different from zero right so if we are looking at that serial correlation test statistic of two point zero eight right we would accept the null hypothesis of er no serial correlation , right , or would n't be able to reject it strictly .
29 On Feb. 26 Israeli Justice Minister Dan Meridor said that the US policy over the guarantees had " interfered with the peace process and given Arab negotiators an unfair advantage " .
30 Hopefully he can recover and regain his test place and give it his best shot .
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