Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 By raising the apparent value of Guinness 's shares in this way , they had hoped to attract the approval of Distillers ' shareholders , who were being offered the inflated Guinness shares in part payment for their Distillers holdings .
2 THE Prince and Princess of Wales showed no signs of anxiety over the blanket coverage of their alleged marriage problems as their hectic schedule of engagements continued in South Korea .
3 Having indirectly made Mrs Thatcher pay with her political life for refusing to sign up to their timetable of achieving EMU by 1992 , they are now blowing cold on the issue , as they are faced with a ballooning budget deficit of their own , and no longer need French and Community political support for reunification .
4 To find the nearest branch look in their Yellow Pages , Gelbe Seiten .
5 Benton ( 1984 ) lists the specific areas which should be provided by advisory services for visually handicapped pupils ; these include the assessment of the pupils and the evaluation of their needs , direct support for the pupils , consultancy support for their teachers , and advice and counselling for their parents .
6 Although they were still only in their teens , the two young Annamese had undergone a drastic change in appearance in the four years since the Sherman family had watched them gambolling around the cooking tent of their father , Ngo Van Loc , the hunting camp " boy " of Jacques Devraux .
7 Most of the applicants for the non-contributory disablement allowance are dependent on income support for their income maintenance , and it is automatically deducted from their benefit .
8 And erm the the that was part part of their work you see , the these blacksmiths .
9 Selby enjoy partially part part of their area enjoys assisted area status , part of it enjoys objective two status , it is an area where land is cheap , it is an area where there is a plentiful supply of labour , and yet the past allocation in the structure plan has not been taken up .
10 The East Lancashire Railway has celebrated its receipt of the Steam Heritage Award for their steam crane in the scheme sponsored by the Transport Trust and the ARPS .
11 After Tammuz and Roirbak had left Acropolis Park for their meeting with Jahsaxa Penumbra , Ari and Leila had sat together in the canteen .
12 The fry free swim in three to four days and are able to take freshly-hatched brine shrimp as their first food .
13 Imagine two particles produced in a suitable composite state that can be described by a single wave function of their respective possible positions .
14 Children in the Faroe Islands have been discovered to have alarmingly-high levels of mercury present in their tissues , apparently as a result of their mothers consuming meat from pilot whales during pregnancy .
15 Overhead a seemingly unstoppable magician rained magical doom down on them , before them an unstoppable warrior clove through their ranks like a ship through the waves .
16 At Sussex we actually make a third of the time they spend on the university component of their courses compulsory work in science — that is to say every student does it — so we can actually do something about it practically by looking at our processes of initial training and coming to realise what an important section of the world this is and training teachers accordingly , and not to leave it at that but to continue with erm progressive and planned in-service training of teachers .
17 At Sussex we actually make a third of the time they spend on the university component of their courses compulsory work in science — that is to say every student does it — so we can actually do something about it practically by looking at our processes of initial training and coming to realise what an important section of the world this is and training teachers accordingly , and not to leave it at that but to continue with erm progressive and planned in-service training of teachers .
18 That 's why mothers today make Dentinox part of their regular feeding routine from birth onwards .
19 Wood Group Engineering continued to work closely with Shell Expro on their Northern plants at St. Fergus and Mossmorran and on the MMSC contract for the Brent field 's Charlie and Delta platforms .
20 In the special souvenir programme of their visit chairman of Farnham Urban District Council W. H. Emery waxed lyrical about the glories of England in April : ‘ They will find the countryside awakening to the call of spring with the first green buds bursting into life and on their return to their native land they will carry with them happy memories of Farnham — in April , ’ and inevitably he went on to quote Robert Browning on the subject of being in England , ‘ Now that April 's there … ‘
21 The 1871 census entry for their neighbours the Kells is summarized in Table 5 .
22 Because of the wide range of professional activities of its membership , the Institute relies on members and their firms to decide the relevance and usefulness of any CPE programme to their own circumstances .
23 Even though the Irish need a point in Valetta to clinch their first appearance in the finals , Charlton has agreed for Galvin to stay behind to play for the Second Division side in their Littlewoods Cup third-round second replay at Bolton .
24 As the Vikings rowed their warships round the north of Scotland , past Cape Wrath , their ‘ turning point ’ , down the ragged west coast of their ‘ South Land ’ , they saw Suilven as a single , dramatic pillar ; and they named it Sul Val , the pillar mountain .
25 Belfast noise-blast trio , celebrate the chart entry of their ‘ Pleasure Death ’ mini-album with a one-off date at London ULU on May 21 .
26 What is interesting about Mark , however , is that he rejects the values of the physics department in their entirety , as well as what he perceives as the values of academic life generally .
27 Senior managers , on the other hand , mindful of the resource implications of the assessment responsibility which has been placed on their departments , may be looking for systems which will contain within manageable resource limits the potentially very high assessment workload for their staff .
28 The ruling Liberal Democratic Party had been looking for an excuse to reward its friends in the building industry for their financial support .
29 A basic self-awareness ( a ) to reflect constructively about religion without being overwhelmed by prejudice , whether religious or non-religious ; ( b ) to see and understand the kind of assumptions about religion present in their environment and in society as a whole , and be prepared to think about these and not automatically either reject them or take them over ; ( c ) to develop trust in their own powers of perceptiveness and intuition , provided that this trust is balanced by openness towards the insights of others and the findings of fresh evidence ; ( d ) consequent on this , to develop willingness to modify , change , enlarge , or revise , what has so far been thought and felt about religion .
30 However , the Arab states also wished to escape the political impact of the refugee presence upon their own internal stability .
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