Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 Impairment of the autonomic nervous system was proposed as a cause of bowel motility dysfunction as early as 1928 .
2 ( 1977 ) put it , " By a natural monopoly we mean an industry whose cost function is such that no combination of several firms can produce an industry output vector as cheaply as it can be provided by a single supplier' ( p. 350 ) .
3 That is the law , but it is a fact that , at a blood alcohol level as low as 30mg/100ml , which may result from drinking just 1 pint of beer or two small sherries , many people 's judgements and reaction speeds are impaired .
4 Contact the college accommodation office as early as possible .
5 Care budgets devolved to Social Work Practice Teams as far as possible .
6 Bernard , acutely aware of the volatility of the fashion market , was convinced the company must diversify into the more stable home furnishing sector as soon as possible .
7 Chair of the Finance Committee , Councillor David Begg , said : ‘ Our aim was to keep Council Tax levels as low as possible by prudent financial management .
8 The post-war trend in evening papers , then , was a clear-cut elimination of towns with more than one locally based paper ; the establishment of papers in perhaps 20 towns that did not have them in 1945 ; and the survival of all the existing papers that faced no home town competition as early as 1945 .
9 Moving sterling to the narrow band of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism as soon as possible , helping stable progress towards lower interest rates .
10 Liberal Democrat leader , Paddy Ashdown says the improved trade figures mean Britain should now join Europe 's exchange rate mechanism as soon as possible .
11 You 've been sent to join my Accident Recovery Room team as soon as possible , but I refuse to allow my gals near my .
12 I regret not being able to deal with the subject of community care policy as extensively as its importance deserves , although there is a general discussion in Chapter 3 .
13 But I was disappointed to find space for back seat passengers as cramped as in the 5 .
14 Lift up the ball valve arm as high as it will go , and tie up to prevent the cistern refilling .
15 In contrast to thymocyte DNA from TCR -α mutant mice , thymocyte DNA from TCR -β mutant mice gave rise to no detectable DJ bands and a mutant germ-line band as intense as brain DNA ( negative control ) from the same mutant mice .
16 If you have sited the cold water storage cistern as high as possible , yet your shower still lacks pressure , then the answer will be to fit a shower booster pump .
17 Only by suing specimens with length/ diameter ratios as high as 100 or more can uniform strain across the test section be assured .
18 We have a student support system as generous as any in the world , but under long-established arrangements local education authorities administer the award system , and students depend absolutely on those authorities playing their part .
19 If we follow this , the play with conventions , in television narrative subgenres as much as in language , may not simply be a classical ( or postmodern ) fascination with language games , but may also contain a ‘ naturalist ’ ( or modernist ) desire to revitalize forms that have become stale and hackneyed , and are no longer adequate to the world in which people believe .
20 A single track of the defunct Marton train tram route as far as Kings Square , was kept intact to make this possible , thus making the Train the last tram to run through the Town Centre .
21 I sometimes think the access road bears as much relation to as Paul Gascoigne does to the Queen , Queen Mother .
22 The supervision of work on site is a key factor for ensuring a good quality end product as well as for monitoring progress .
23 Those of you who remember Fred will know how he worked to start the British Pensioners and Trade Union Action Association as far back as nineteen seventy two .
24 We plan to install one of the ‘ Amstrad ’ draft printers so as to provide some draft printing capability as soon as possible , and to consider further the possibility of replacing the heavily-used Epson printer next financial year .
25 SYRIA expressed a strong desire yesterday to resume Middle East peace negotiations as soon as possible and the United States said it would play a more active role in the talks than in the past .
26 THERE 'S never any danger of familiarity breeding contempt as far as the footballers of Down and Meath are concerned .
27 The reef , described by the World Conservation Union as more diverse than Australia 's Great Barrier reef , has been threatened for over a decade by the proposed building of a second airport for the island .
28 I assume that the Minister is aware that 750,000 tonnes of CFCs are used in the world every year and that that has resulted in an ozone layer hole as large as Alaska .
29 If you have any specific requests and/or ideas for future training please contact Training Sub-Committee Chairman as soon as possible .
30 From the agency 's point of view it is usually more satisfactory to keep the size of the account executive team as small as possible , giving full responsibility to one senior account manager who can provide a high quality of service at a level where it can be most effective — yours .
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