Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 But problems could arise if an exchange adopted a rule at board level but failed to publish it , or if a member joined the exchange after rules bulletins 1 – 50 had been issued , was not then supplied with those bulletins by the exchange , and such bulletins were not readily available on request .
2 During their captivity , in late 1951 , a member of the KGB called Gregory Kuzmitch arrived at their internment camp and attempted to convert them to Communism .
3 Mama wrapped the baby in a big blue flannel blanket and sat down in the kitchen armchair to nurse .
4 Pineau informed de Gaulle about the strongly republican and socialist trend of resistance ideology and tried to persuade him to abandon his political reticence , which was causing concern among resisters .
5 Opponents resented the cuts in university funding and complained that the government was hostile to higher education , particularly to studies of the humanities , which fostered a critical spirit of enquiry .
6 May I draw to the attention of the Secretary of State the case of a Wakefield man who was refused expensive injections for infertility by a fund-holding GP and told to apply for that treatment to a non fund-holding practice in Wakefield ?
7 The colony are the survivors of 60 baboons which escaped from a safari park that closed 20 years ago .
8 Sally Line donated a crossing to another team who reached Paris , others were given coach tickets at Victoria Coach Station , teams reached Bristol , Lindisfarne and Gretna Green whilst the Elephant Washing Company went to Windsor Safari Park and washed an elephant .
9 Fifty tonnes escaped a ministry ban and went to farms .
10 Juhan et al ( 1982 ) also studied the effect of glycaemic normalisation by the artificial pancreas on platelet function but employed other techniques .
11 This increase was seen whether synthesis was stimulated by vortex mixing or by calcium ionophore and persisted across subgroups of patients with or without mucosal damage and with or without Helicobacter pylori colonisation .
12 Clinton sat down beside the slop bucket and smiled at the two men .
13 ‘ Supporters of the parish council scheme have consistently claimed majority support and dismissed the objectives as a vociferous minority .
14 She opened the back of his watch case and took out the curl of golden hair .
15 She could not get a grant or income support and had no option of going part time .
16 It 's like that er truck driver that came into your place when er you and er that bloke that used to there .
17 It had a sort of changing-room summer house , and a brick building that looked hopefully as if it might have something to do with heating the water .
18 In January 1967 , there was the famous Human Be-in at Golden Gate park in San Francisco , and Allen Ginsberg , now suitably converted to Buddhism blew on a conch shell and chanted Hindu sayings and recommended that every healthy American over the age of fourteen should try LSD once .
19 He discovered that she had an IQ of genius level and announced that she needed firm discipline and intellectual stimulation .
20 The whole great crime story wave that began in the last years of the nineteenth century and rose to its towering peak in the 1920s and 1930s began with the short story .
21 So we handed in our trays at the kitchen hatch and left .
22 The hatch bolts exploded in rapid-fire sequence , and at once Rostov forced both arms up to chest level and punched them forward , tearing the extruded foam casing .
23 During the evening the females are placed in the aquarium , after which some brine shrimp and sifted Daphnia are added .
24 By then , the team will have marched 10 miles a day for a fortnight to reach base camp and endured temperatures of -40C and galeforce winds — with only tents for shelter .
25 4 A big game hunter left his base camp and walked 40km due South .
26 He must have forgotten there was a wind change , in any case a great mass of sand was blown in the direction of the little Base Camp and smothered the tea swindle but , worse still , it also smothered the various Instructors who were resting whilst the pupils were carrying out a detail in the air .
27 The door opened and I smelled a basement smell and felt cold air all around me .
28 They said teachers were poor in assessing National Curriculum progress and had low expectations of the pupils .
29 They said teachers were poor in assessing National Curriculum progress and had low expectations of the pupils .
30 Twice Round The Daffodils was ostensibly a more serious subject — about life in a TB sanatorium and caused a modicum of controversy among people who thought that tuberculosis was not a matter for ‘ Carry On ’ style laughs .
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