Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the assignee may be absolved through the operation of the bankruptcy laws : the classic case where an original lessee may have to pay .
2 For instance , a pupil with hemianopia or a diminished visual field may have to sit at an angle rather than square to the blackboard in order to use remaining vision usefully to discriminate what is on it .
3 The female reader of the male text may have to do this to avoid defeat .
4 Though the elite may have to use ‘ political formulae ’ ( Mosca 's term ) to preserve popular illusions about their rule , they must nevertheless be clear-sighted and purposeful about themselves and their own capacities and , of course , about their own membership of a group holding power and united in this way .
5 Thus , the lexical access component may have to match each word against every possible alignment of the input with the lexicon .
6 Speaking from NatWest 's experience of the DTI report on its role in Blue Arrow 's rights issue , Lord Alexander said : ‘ I find it a simply awful process that people of 40 years ’ experience should have to resign on the basis of judgments in the report without having the opportunity of going through the regulatory process that you in Parliament provided . ’
7 The network protocol basically decides what kind of adaptor your PC must have to connect to a LAN .
8 These set the minimum amount of capital ( free assets , or the amount by which an insurers ' assets exceed the actuarial calculation of its liabilities ) that an insurer must have to reassure customers and regulators that it can meet its liabilities .
9 The diagnosis of chronic haemonchosis is more difficult because of the concurrent presence of poor nutrition and confirmation may have to depend on the gradual disappearance of the syndrome after anthelmintic treatment .
10 In this case mobility between firms is constrained because labour may have to sacrifice the growth in earnings they could expect if they remained with their current firm .
11 Mummy may have to go away for a … a little rest , James … with Cymby .
12 The lawyer may have to extend the concepts and objects of that discourse in order to achieve such an effective translation .
13 Though Eridania Béghin-Say , Ferruzzi 's agribusiness arm , and Edison , its power company , are doing well , new investment may have to wait until Carlo Sama , Mr Gardini 's successor , has paid off some debt .
14 CHESHIRE Police Force may have to reduce its manpower and police station opening hours because of the cost of the Warrington bombings .
15 Also , to benefit , for example , from financial assistance in the new area , the relocation may have to happen when grants are available .
16 However , the benefactor may have to pay the newspaper 's costs if the latter is successful .
17 But where there are irreversible or extensive neurological changes , the assessing practitioner may have to conclude that such an elder has lost the capacity to function independently .
18 The practitioner may have to balance safety against economy , speed against certainty , appearance against strength , effect against side-effect ; and there is no easy answer .
19 Both these positions entail a great deal of risk ; going long produces the possibility of capital losses on the shares held , going short produces the possibility that the jobber may have to buy in the shares at a future date at expensive prices .
20 Now there 's concern that the club may have to part with Joey Beauchamp to help balance the books .
21 Yet many tasks that are suitable for delegation may have to start with only a vague instruction .
22 The Middle East Economic Survey , a trade publication which maintains close contact with OPEC delegates , said in a special edition at the weekend that the cartel might have to cut its output ceiling by 678,000 bpd more than already planned if it wanted to raise oil prices from levels around $18 a barrel .
23 Accepting that eventually two professors would be necessary , the meeting felt that in its then poor financial state the College might have to make do with one professor plus one subordinate teacher .
24 Scholarship might have to reassess all sorts of certainties .
25 Why or how it originated is not known , but the Lady Mayoress takes charge of it for the rest of the mayoral year , and no doubt a quick rap over the knuckles will soon curb any tendency the Lord Mayor might have to step out of line .
26 But the industry fears Labour might have to raise interest rates to defend the pound .
27 The party 's new policy is that workers taking sympathy action would have to demonstrate a ‘ genuine interest ’ in any dispute .
28 Mr Jack Adams , chairman of the union side , said that action would have to take place within a 28-day period from yesterday 's anouncement or it would be ruled out of order .
29 ‘ About 100 jobs could go and facilities throughout the borough would have to close . ’
30 We 'd go barefoot in the fields and play fairies , and horses and keepers : the horse would have to step in as many cow shits as possible and the keeper would have to clean it up from between their toes .
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