Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some writer should do for them what Bertrand Russell did for his grandfather and others in that exquisite volume Portraits from Memory .
2 In addition , each cell must have a set of instructions — possibly analogous to genetic information — which lists what every cell must do in every position .
3 It came to nothing and the two settled for the broadbrush alliance on the PowerPC RISC and the creation of Taligent Inc and Kaleida Inc , but it now seems clear that the idea of the big one still appeals to John Sculley , and according to the Independent on Sunday , Sculley was very much considered as the successor to John Akers , but his terms were that IBM sell the mainframe business and merge with Apple to create a profitable $30,000m a year company , and the courage of the outside directors failed them when they considered what announcement of such a deal might do to the IBM share price .
4 Oh , this car could do with a car wash as well could n't it ?
5 Baydon Star 's Ascot victim Cadency could do with a stronger gallop than at Huntingdon last time to help him settle , but he can justify the journey from Newmarket for the Scottish Power Handicap Hurdle .
6 But the erm ceiling rose and preferably the light switch could do with replacing .
7 Gloucester rugby club could do with some better aerodynamics at the moment … the cherry and whites are still searching for their first win of the season … they 've a club game tomorrow against Cardiff at Kingsholm …
8 How his old club could do with his services now !
9 This chef could do with a Fish Fortnight at the Auguste Didier School of Cuisine .
10 ‘ We hate to detain our most welcome guests , especially when they have … ’ he looked Anna May up and down as if his mind could do with a good Chinese laundering ‘ … other urgent business to attend to . ’
11 The row over what Labour would do with the water industry is a graphic first flare-up in that debate .
12 Why does he not acknowledge what his party 's attitude to inward investment would do to jobs in the north-east , in Wales , in Scotland and in many other parts of the country ?
13 Do you want to comment on what five thousand less than your figure would do for affordable housing ?
14 While many users have developed joyous fantasies about what a 256 megabit DRAM will do for them , others are somewhat concerned about whether an alliance between these three giants will adversely affect the performance of the DRAM market .
15 It is not just a historic document of immense important , it is a fascinating insight into what a really great pianist can do to the music we all know so well .
16 And then , finally , look at what Equity can do for the successful plaintiff — the ‘ remedy ’ , the ‘ relief ’ which it can give him .
17 Bank Assistants , ask not what the IBOA can do for you but what can you do for the IBOA to get justice for your claim .
18 His Etonian vowels give him a peculiar aural resemblance to Brian Johnston of Test Match Special ( imagine Johnners talking about what an axe can do to the flesh and you will have some idea of just how disorienting this is ) .
19 All the archaeologist can do on the line of this new road is to hurriedly record features and salvage finds .
20 Chop up your milk-fed lamb — a kilo should do for four people — into whatever size you fancy .
21 Access Opinions Ltd. asked a number of Labour Members for their views on taxation and what the Chancellor should do in the Budget .
22 Instead of worrying about what fitzAlan might do to her after her last defiant outburst , she could only think that he might be in danger .
23 FOREIGN exchange dealers who were imagining what John Smith as Chancellor might do to the value of the pound if Labour wins the election , were yesterday ambushed instead by one Antonio Cavaco Silva , prime minister of Portugal .
24 Our household could do with some young life .
25 Your committee could do with more help and would just like to get to know some of you better … so PLEASE complete and return the Questionnaire on page 24 .
26 For example , at least some of the 50,000-odd Sun users in the telecommunications sector could do with more advanced network management tools , he says , claiming there are already a couple of initiatives under way .
27 For example , at least some of the 50,000-odd Sun users in the telecomms sector could do with more advanced network management tools , he says , claiming there are already a couple of initiatives underway .
28 There were only four things that the editor could do without consulting the Founders .
29 Forced by her boyfriend , it is alleged , the girl sold sex for up to £90 a session and there was nothing staff at the Suffolk County Council home could do about it , Ipswich Crown Court was told yesterday .
30 Last month , the hon. Member for Barking ( Ms. Richardson ) , perhaps aware — given her shadow portfolio — of the immense damage that the proposal would do to jobs for women , told Channel 4 news that if the minimum wage caused job losses , ’ We 'll look at it ’ .
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