Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] feel that " in BNC.

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1 Please tick the relevant boxes if you require further details , or would like to make a donation or feel that you can help us and return this form to the appropriate address below .
2 In 1904 he wrote to the poet and critic Arthur Symons : ‘ I have , however , of late years , lapsed so deeply into my early weakness for verse , & have found the condensed expression that it affords so much more consonant to my natural way of thinking & feeling that I have almost forgotten the prose effusions for the time . ’
3 ‘ I began to lose consciousness and felt that I was standing on the world 's edge aside of a high , dark space looking across it , thinking that I was about to enter into it .
4 I enjoyed my course of study and felt that the practicalities of business were a perfect antidote to the magic that had dominated my adolescence .
5 Many teachers were unsure that they would get much out of the appraisal and felt that it would change little , especially in the light of probable cuts in spending in education .
6 If you have a car and feel that you might be able to help , please give your name and telephone number to one of the people you will see at the back of church with a board and pencil .
7 ‘ We discussed the condition and felt that it was a tumour .
8 Finally , some teachers did not return the questionnaire because they had not been in the school at the time of the review and felt that their knowledge of SSE as a general notion was too limited even to enable them to complete the section on general attitudes .
9 Julian had a humbler conception of her task than the other prophetic reformers I have mentioned , who all experienced God as an absolute imperative to action and felt that they had a mission to defy the religious and secular establishment of their day .
10 Another hesitation arises in the minds of some ministers who are men of action and feel that data-gathering and detailed long-term planning are simply a cover-up for procrastination .
11 Councillors agreed with the need for a study but felt that the government or the EEC , not the County Council , should provide the money for it .
12 He thought it unwise to take the land by force but felt that the scheme if carried out properly would soon recompense all the subscribers .
13 Martha could not imagine her mother going out to work and felt that the experiment was likely to prove disastrous .
14 It is important that planning is carried out by the managers involved in the activities of a business so that they can relate to the plan and feel that the plan is their plan .
15 Well there 's no question but which therapists and people of medical profession have come across cases of people who have indeed been scarred for their whole lives and and found it very difficult to maintain trust and relationships and and be able to achieve their potential as a result of the sorts of situations that they endured , and perhaps we 're more understanding about those sorts of areas of the human need to be able to express anxiety and to feel that to express fears is is not something that 's going to overwhelm people that are around us , so that adults who are in the care of children , be they teachers , or parents , or child care workers , can allow children to express their feelings so that they do n't need to hold on to them and thereby increase the fears that they have .
16 If they choose to ignore the historical background of the child and feel that thus they will be better able to identify with him or her , then in times of crisis the child will have no solid racial and cultural identity and the family may not have the information to help the child in these crucial times .
17 Charlotte thinks that it is better to get the richest husband one can and feels that a happy marriage is simply a matter of chance .
18 George acted as Lennie 's father/brother and felt that he was committed to look after Lennie .
19 Slug in ash ( above and pond snail in walnut Ned says he ‘ loves the infinite variety of wood and feels that woodcarving or sculpture should compliment this …
20 I have heard that some of you are concerned about your teaching and feel that things are changing but I am sure your fears are unwarranted , as you are all able to run successful classes in your own style .
21 Yanto stretched himself full length on the settee and felt that lovely feeling of total contentment creep over him .
22 Those not giving evidence that I spoke to found watching the trials a useful experience and felt that they had either learned something from the process or at least , if they were already experienced in giving evidence , received helpful confirmation on points of technique .
23 Aunt Emily said , ‘ If you read it , dear child , it will take away your fear , ’ and Alexandra , stubbornly remembering Michael Swinton 's saying that she seemed to be working out her own salvation and feeling that the decision to read the journal must be part of that working out , shook her head and sent her needle stabbing in and out of the canvas .
24 I 'm just describing my attitude at the time , which I shared with most of my fellow students : an attitude of complete boredom and feeling that nothing was worth making an effort for .
25 He rates only the Nippon Challenge and the New Zealanders ahead in his own group and feels that , although the French show promise , they are dogged by lack of funds ( it was subsequently announced that French funding by the City of Paris was likely ) .
26 If governors are actively involved as a dynamic , lively group and feel that their contribution to decisions and actions is not only valued but essential , then enthusiasm and commitment snowballs .
27 ‘ Of course not , ’ she said quickly , already on her way out of the room and feeling that her attempt at asserting herself had not been a success .
28 As it turned out , Donovan Reid won and I came second , missing the third individual place but feeling that I was in with a chance of making the relay team .
29 Now the point about this measure is how will the Secretary of State for home affairs , respond to this proposal because this is a re-run , this ten minute ruled bill , of the bill that I introduced last year under the private members bill procedure in which the er junior minister that is currently at the despatch box , said that he accepted the principals of seeking to achieve full registration but felt that the measure itself was premature , premature in that the Home Office were investigating er numbers and matters concerned with the electoral registration and electoral provision , arising from experience at the last general election but I think it was beginning to be accepted that the poll tax had had a serious impact upon the electoral register although there were many other er elements that provided great difficulty .
30 Some writers express humility in a particularly strange way : when they wish to express an opinion but feel that the first person singular is too assertive , they use the plural ( ‘ we submit ’ ) .
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