Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] find [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Many people find great strength in religion and find that in the most difficult moments , a good can come out of what has happened .
2 They compared the readings taken remotely with those at the cell and found that the rate at the cell was three times that of the background .
3 He comically dismisses his attempts to project himself into the narrative future and finds that the past is rendered elusive by the distortions of the means he uses to recapture it .
4 I 've cried a lot while lying on that couch and find that the act of crying is a cathartic release .
5 However , Age Concern has done some research and found that the percentage increase in the average income of the lowest quintile of pensioners over the period 1978 to 1988 is 15 per cent .
6 Leiber ( 1976 ) carried out such a study and found that reaction times were equal in the left and right visual fields when the stimuli were not words , but a RVF superiority obtained when the letter-string made up a word .
7 Major J. W. Pringle reported that he had examined the car and found that the body had separated from the truck and there were a number of deep chips on the outside edges of the tyres of the wheels .
8 We repeated the experiments with a precursor for protein and found that an increase in protein synthesis occurred also .
9 McKeever , Suberi and Van Deventer ( 1972 ) replicated Hines 's experiment but found that neither the magnitude nor direction of visual field asymmetry was affected by the presence of a central fixation digit .
10 I did lose weight but found that the weight returned as soon as I returned to my normal diet .
11 She tried to push the thought from her mind but found that it persisted .
12 The tapestries were in remarkably good condition when found but have been sent out for restoration several times this century and final work on the last two will be finished next June .
13 ‘ But because you have no concept of how to relate to people on anything other than a superficial level , you have a terrible shock when you get into a situation like marriage and find that it does n't live up to your fantasies .
14 You may also notice pain or soreness during sexual intercourse and find that you want to pass water more often , which may also sting or ‘ burn ’ .
16 I accept Mr. Barnes ' evidence in its entirety and find that the documents are reasonably required for the performance of the Bank of England 's own functions under the Act .
17 All subjects participating in our study were caucasians ; we have studied other samples from general populations of caucasian origin and found that the frequency of the ACE/ID polymorphism was fairly similar to that in the ECTIM study .
18 She heard her name again , and again she emerged as if from a dream and found that time had passed .
19 The EAT set aside the tribunal 's finding of unfair dismissal and found that the employee was entitled to a redundancy payment .
20 The discovery that oriented bars and edges were the trigger features for neurons in the visual cortex was enormously exciting when it was made thirty years ago , but Levick followed up their discovery and found that there are orientation selective neurons in rabbit retina as well as the directionally selective ones shown in Figure 4 .
21 She recently added a ribber and finds that if she has a problem , thanks to her illness , she gets flustered .
22 The next morning the Lawfords returned to Sinatra 's home and found that all their clothes , which they stored in their own special room , had been thrown into the swimming pool .
23 But , however confident you are after being wooed and won by an overseas recruiter , you may feel isolated and vulnerable once you have signed a contract and find that you are on your own .
24 You get on your bike and find that old lady what were in here just now and you do n't let her out of your sight .
25 When Ian Thomson and the current editor of The Ley Hunter , Paul Devereux were doing fieldwork for their book The Ley Hunter 's Companion , they visited the crypt and found that the needle of their compass maintained a strange rhythmic ‘ jigging ’ motion .
26 I have always used a magnetic board and marker to follow the chart and found that I did n't even have to look away from it whilst punching , thus speeding up the whole process considerably .
27 Standish has constructed a new ephemeris with the correct mass and finds that this reduces the root-mean-square Uranus residuals by about 20 per cent and , more importantly , removes the systematic trends .
28 The Committee scrutinised epidemiological studies on the effects of passive smoking and found that the overall findings were consistent with an increased risk of lung cancer in nonsmokers in the range of 10%-30% .
29 The jury negatived negligence and found that there was contributory negligence on the plaintiffs ' part , and Hawke J. held that there was no conversion , for the defendants had acted reasonably .
30 Reception We tuned in to all the broadcast channels with the loop aerial and found that some sets gave a far better picture than others .
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