Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] a small " in BNC.

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1 We believe that the diagnosis of hiatal hernia has been over exagerated and only manometric studies combined with precise endoscopic evaluation can say whether we are dealing with a true hiatal hernia or a small initial Barrett 's oesophagus .
2 They gather together in a dense fleet a thousand or more strong , and paddle steadily towards an inlet or a small bay , splashing vigorously with their wings and feet .
3 He should consider pensioners who have to rely simply on the state pension and income support or a small occupational pension .
4 Pick off the animals which float to the surface with a paint-brush or a small spoon , and rinse them in clean water before examining them .
5 For a cup full of tea or a small can of coke , picking up dog ends to get a cheap smoke .
6 But Richard brought up siege machines and began to bombard the walls , concentrating on the fourth side where a small town nestled at the foot of the citadel .
7 In small businesses like a grocery shop , a newsagent or a small restaurant most of the workers recruited are invariably speakers of the same community language , and where it is not a homogeneous linguistic group , there is a common language , a linguafranca which is not English but Hindi-Urdu ( among the South Asians ) .
8 Only later were , was one to find it possible to develop a small comedy action or a small dramatic action on the screen , this would be around nineteen hundred and three , four , five , about five or six years from the beginning , that films of this sort would make .
9 I found a niche where a small landslide had left a level lawn with a backing of turf ; and where the breeze still moved enough to allay the midges , and sat down to my picnic .
10 Although , generally , women lag behind men in educational achievement , at higher levels the proportion of female students is not very different from that of male , with the result that a small number of highly educated women enter the labour market each year .
11 The noise of the pump can be reduced by reducing the output using the regulator , giving a quieter result than a small pump running flat out .
12 As it was his birthday that week , Kirsty Ross ( above ) presented him with a card and a small gift of Macclesfield silk as a token of their love and affection .
13 It has a superb roof-top terrace and a small pool with breathtaking views .
14 The health centre is staffed by Ms Mankuba Ramalepe , a nurse practitioner and a small number of nurses .
15 These traps were known as putchers , a small basket with a large weave designed specifically for salmon , as opposed to the Kipes at Purton , huge baskets with a five foot diameter mouth and a small weave , designed to catch anything .
16 We went through a clump of yew trees into a clearing where a small church stood , a simple primitive affair with steep tiled roof and a small entrance tower .
17 Julia sat down and took her tea and a small almond biscuit .
18 She deposited the tray on the desk , then took her own tea and a small piece of cake back to her former post , slotted a new tape into the machine for the next instalment of the story and settled down to enjoy the rest of the afternoon in peace .
19 Visitors can see the sculptured memorial slabs in the monks ' dormitory and a small exhibition on the Cistercian monks and the abbey .
20 The number of authors per paper did not increase between 1985 and 1991 in Cell and a small increase only in the proportion of articles with 8–12 authors was seen in Nature during 1982–92 .
21 A sticking valve stays stuck on a petrol engine and makes pops and bangs in the exhaust and a small end bearing is noisy under light load and goes quiet when going up hills , etc .
22 Besides the dining-room , study and a small drawing-room , there were eight bedrooms .
23 This company had decided to produce a 3/4 wheel car and a small van .
24 It grew in a boggy area where there was a spring and a small stream which flowed in a desultory way after the autumn rains but almost dried up in summer .
25 Another time , noticing the pain of a cow in labour and a small girl who shed compassionate tears as she watched , he thought the scene ‘ pure , wonderful , beautiful ’ .
26 She was clutching her key and a small box of sticky chocolates which Grunte had thrust into an unwilling hand .
27 Le Ponant , named after a trade wind and a small group of islands off Brittany , is 88 metres of sheer grace and beauty , its three huge sailing masts making it a breathtaking sight .
28 Though he can not be more than five or six , he wears a man 's anorak , badly zipped and uneven , a heap of purple fabric tilted to one side and a small freckled shoulder bare on the other .
29 The pipe was filled with water , heated over a blue flame and a small quantity of the substance placed in .
30 Two hours before sunrise on the ninth of March 1620 , twelve forty-foot-long pirogues slipped out of the mangroves where they had been concealed ; each craft was carrying around ten men , each man an axe with a blade of sharpened rock and a small gouge of oystershell in the cloth tied around his waist ; three in each had quivers full of arrows and a pouch of manchineel sap , also at their waists ; one man in each was armed with a gun .
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