Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So good can the simulation be that the player handling the joystick receives a powerful illusion that he himself is part of the counterfeit world .
2 Now Britain is heading for a pre-Christmas Sunday shopping bonanza believe it or not now you heard it first here on this programme that I I predict that there will be completely deregulated Sunday trading before much long What ?
3 Er has it crossed your mind that it I 'd might not heard ?
4 The law in this area is not confined to contractual relationships , but may also be based ‘ on the broad principle of equity that he who has received information in confidence shall not take unfair advantage of it . ’
5 It actually gives you a framework on which to base any any few words or any talk that you you have to give .
6 But equally , Gale gives no indication that he himself has understood how obviously ridiculous Lamarck 's theories of physics and chemistry were in his own day — and it was on these that his theory of evolution was based .
7 She would raise her lamp and view the lover that she herself had grown , even if this meant that she must lose him for ever .
8 No I do n't recognize that figure although it it er it what matters , is that we continue
9 Erm , hopefully we 'll have the same effect that 'em they had in Basildon and erm .
10 Which means the guarantor no longer has to pay you the rent so you you do n't really want to forego that either , yeah .
11 The er the only figure that I I can find for commuting erm supplied by the County Council is in er table five of N Y six I think it is , N Y six , where the County Council give er at the bottom of that erm on the bottom line of that table , a figure for Richmondshire of er three point five percent .
12 For a while she behaved wisely or cunningly — by allowing her ministers to give formal recognition to the ways of the reformed church on condition that she herself was allowed to worship in the old way in the privacy of her own chapel at Holyrood .
13 Now , the other two subjects I 'm really only dealing because the people responsible are , are not here in the flesh this afternoon but Alyd the provincial advocate and I I think of Bill that 's also gone too , er yes he he has , he has had to leave this afternoon .
14 But this is the result and I I think it 's very creditable .
15 all the consultation that also talks about in this paper is met with the two centres , the management committee of Highfields youth and commune centre and also the users of the Moat Centre and I think in light of everything that 's gone on I think it 's substantially a success to stand here and say that we have at least achieved some result and I I formally would welcome the Libs supporting this this afternoon and I 'm grateful for the turn that the Libs have made and in light of er what er Mr the involvement Mr has put in .
16 and erm I went to a youth club and I I was speaking to eight year olds and they 're asking about condoms cos they 've seen them in the street , so it 's obviously they 're wanting to find out about it cos it 's everywhere around them even , does n't matter what age .
17 we 'd thought out , we 'd go out together when er we 'd finished our tea and we I had my tea .
18 go and buy one and dash in with a cup of tea and he I hoped no one called and no one
19 car conked out so Vicki stayed with the car and her who we were going to take a walk in Ruddington , and I walked home with her to get Malcolm to go over with the other car .
20 They got him in the boat and they he had to lie down in the bottom of the boat and they and they covered him with a tarpaulin .
21 Doe tried to kill him , and persevered as president until he himself was killed .
22 one of the things I 'm thinking of in the longer term and I I bounced this of er was that if groups moved to Stansted could not be moved across to groups to sort this problem out because I think she 's getting bored in what she 's doing
23 My drawing 's enough crap cos I I was buzzed when I was doing that .
24 It was as if he was their sovereign and they his subjects .
25 Mummy and me I like in the morning
26 Saw one one lad was really really sort of well okay he was n't clever by any stretch of the imagination but he just , was just a you know a sort of no-hoper and he he riled one teacher up very very badly one day cos he did n't do his homework or he was pratting about or he was you know .
27 The announcement was-carefully worded to stress the financial aspects of the study but it none the less generated a good deal of hopeful excitement as well as sceptical anxiety .
28 Well it was it is rock but it it was something else , it was a bone .
29 I I would simply say that I think it does deserve maximum weight because I you will not be surprised to hear , er take the same view as Mr from Leeds City Council , that under no circumstances should the the settlement be located anywhere other than in a location which will serve York and not Leeds .
30 Now if we are going to say that this rolling programme , we we do n't mean this rolling programme because it it 's all going back to committees again to be to be looked at then we are putting our at a disadvantage they will disband and the cost to us for refurbishment will increase .
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