Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] did " in BNC.

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31 The reason that it became discredited on the scale and at the speed that it did was due to the efforts of the gentleman who introduced it , the right hon. Member for Cirencester and Tewkesbury ( Mr. Ridley ) .
32 Yesterday , legal sources indicated that because the Marquess had appeared on a judgment summons under the Debtors Act , which carries a maximum sentence of six weeks , the judge was not in any case entitled to impose the term that he did .
33 But Leo , usually the most tolerant of men , had suddenly decided shortly after James and Kate 's wedding that he did n't like his stepson-in-law .
34 They continued to feed , or stared out on the Zoo not looking in the direction of Minch at all ; while Creggan was so busy staring at Minch in delight and pleasure that he did not notice behind him , in the next-door cage , Slorne stare for the moment at Minch and then swing round and silently resume her vigil at the back top of her cage , looking at the trees and sky .
35 Dennis Bond wrote in his ‘ chronology ’ in 1639 : ‘ The 27th December there was such a wind that it did blow down divers houses and several woods .
36 Erm there was a , I mean there was a lot of friction , I mean , I mean I 'm really lucky to have the strength of a friendship that I did because you know , if , I would n't have got , you know where I am , sort of without it , I think .
37 ‘ They tried to tell the Irish delegation that we did n't have the power to negotiate without Jim Molyneaux , but it did n't work .
38 A statement issued by the board said : ‘ We maintain , as we have done throughout the inquiry , that there is no reason to doubt Mr Evans 's own submission that he did raise his flag on each occasion , and we have not been made aware of any evidence that he did not . ’
39 The preservation of the status quo was also Nicholas 's prime concern with regard to central and western Europe , though here , paradoxically , his policy should have involved much more fighting than it did .
40 And , again no doubt rightly , we need no more have illusions about the motives of those leading the coalition than we did about Stalin , Churchill or Roosevelt — the second world war analogy .
41 It was a sign of his distress that he did n't care what it cost , had n't even looked to see the list of seat prices posted up by the side of the window .
42 Alington allowed him and two other canons to introduce the daily sacrament on condition that they did not expect it to be part of the cathedral 's official usage .
43 Ten arrests were made on Easter Saturday , with eight of those detained being charged and bailed on condition that they did not come within 15 miles of the Molesworth base .
44 In a letter to the Independent , a representative of the Irish Freedom Movement alleged that , at the annual anti-internment march in London on 6 August 1988 , there were over thirty arrests , with the charges ranging from threatening behaviour to affray and some accused being ‘ granted bail only on condition that they did not attend political meetings or marches ’ .
45 An example may help : property could be left to somebody on condition that he did something .
46 On 27 September 1991 the father was released on bail on condition that he did not go , first of all , within half a mile of , then , later , to the mother 's address .
47 At first they continued to rail against the regime , but Simpson 's ardour had cooled enough by July for the council to order his release , on condition that he did not come within ten miles of London .
48 The latter airlifted $2.2 billion worth of weaponry to prevent Israel 's defeat but on condition that it did not press home a counter-attack .
49 The very first sortie that I did when the war started was with No 77 Squadron in a Whitley to take pamphlets to Germany , flying in at the top end near Kiel and going throughout the Ruhr spreading these horrors of war on the germans telling them " you are wicked naughty Germans and if you do n't mend your ways Hamish will come back tomorrow night and drop some more paper on you " .
50 She did n't fall over the wheel and she did pass her test .
51 In fact , she was fond of saying that FAMILY and the women 's liberation movement were both on the same side if they did but know it .
52 You know finished their done their card and he did that in about er four da er five days it was .
53 He disliked the ethos of Irish Protestantism and he did not believe in its doctrines .
54 The opposition reacted angrily to the intervention by French and Belgian troops , calling for their withdrawal and warning of more violence if they did anything more than evacuate their nationals .
55 ‘ So we made the pickup and it did really well .
56 The idea is not to block them out or pretend that they never happened — indeed you would be building up a store of problems for the future If you did so — but to prevent them forming part of your future .
57 Futch , who 's trained five world champions and who originally rejected Bowe , says : ‘ I was in my late 70s after Bowe 's Olympic defeat and I did n't want to waste a minute of my time on someone who was n't 100 per cent dedicated . ’
58 You know the end , and I know the end , now we know what happened , now we know what I should have done … but I was not at the end of the movie , I was in the middle of the movie and I did n't know the ending . ’
59 Paisley had acquired some further support for his reputation for prophecy by his prediction of the introduction of direct rule and he did not publicly regret the end of Stormont .
60 I can hold my own hand thank you came the reply and she did .
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