Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [be] give " in BNC.

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1 That meeting began a partnership that was to give birth to Bandhavgargh , the first and finest national park in India .
2 The first is : every command that is given must be obeyed .
3 So , can we just look at the extract that was given , what language would it have been translated from , incidentally ?
4 Additional information really , is , as I had missed the train comma , but it 's , er , you 've got to have a comma after train , because it 's following that rule that was given in the top left hand corner , after I cashed my Giro comma , because of the derailment comma , it 's it 's that rule , it 's the application of that rule .
5 Both Price Waterhouse and now Touche Ross have dallied with the Deloitte domestic partnership and been given the cold shoulder .
6 McMeekin , 27 , of Kingston Street , Darlington , admitted theft and was given a 12-month conditional discharge .
7 There had been sightings , his family was powerful enough to keep him hidden and safe from the inevitable hanging ‘ should he show his face on the shores of Albion again' — a favourite phrase of Joseph 's , picked up from a knife-grinder whose preoccupation with Bligh , the Bounty and the Mutiny had almost equalled Joseph 's as witnessed in a fierce contest of informational prowess contested in the snug of the Bull in Lorton where the knife-grinder had eventually conceded defeat and been given several unexpected commissions ( including one from the vicar of Cockermouth who disliked Joseph intensely and produced a cluster of blunt knives and dullest scissors to prove it ) as compensation .
8 Swindon swept forward after the break and were given a 50th-minute penalty when Martin Ling was brought down in the area .
9 The Japanese team will also attend a lunch reception at the British Gas Bristol North offices in Eastgate Road on 23 March , where they will meet the Lord Mayor and be given a tour of this operational control centre .
10 A further eight patients with villous adenomas but no evidence of malignant change were deemed unsuitable for the study and were given laser treatment only .
11 She bought a secondhand car and was given this warranty with it .
12 Cross also admitted two counts of mortgage fraud and was given nine months concurrent for each .
13 His father Barry Cross , 44 , also of Mond Crescent , admitted six counts of mortgage fraud and was given 18 months concurrent for each suspended for two years and ordered to pay £500 costs .
14 Our regulars come in , nod , put down a pound and are given a tumbler of the fizzing pick-me-up with no words being spoken .
15 In these studies subjects watched films of actual driving situations in a simulator and were given subsequent recognition tests .
16 Using WORDWISE + , : the user is given the following menu : I ] Save entire text 2 ] Load new text 3 ) Save marked text 4 ] Load text to cursor 5 ] Search and replace 61 Print text 7 ] Preview text 8 ] Spool text 9 ] Segment menu ESC Edit Mode Please enter choice To create a document , the user presses the ESCAPE key and is given a screen showing : START END This is the equivalent of a blank page on which the user might write or type .
17 Branch , 45 , from Bideford , admitted causing grievous bodily harm and was given a year 's conditional discharge by town magistrates yesterday .
18 When Sara glanced back a few moments later , she saw that five liverymen had descended upon the urchin and were giving him a beating .
19 After about two hours flying over the sea , they swung in over the coast and were given a welcoming burst of anti-aircraft fire .
20 We er emphasised to him the impact this would have on Oxfordshire 's er spending requirements and er the hope that the er spending that we get , and we get it in two ways ; one is through , called the standard spending grant , that is a general grant that was given to authorities to spend as they wish , and the other is a specific grants which are given for particular purposes , and some of them cover the legislation that I have mentioned , which we are required to spend specifically on the items for which they 're given .
21 Thus , as in the case of the USA , the size and complexity of the programmes , mixed successes , and the possibility that programmes have significantly reduced soil losses , or even the rate of decline rather than improved yields , point to the need for a longer and more sophisticated assessment than is given here .
22 They will welcome the support that is given for that process from the centre .
23 This deplorable situation has come about because no British government has given the people of the Highlands and Islands the economic support that is given , for example , to Norwegians who live in difficult , out-of-the-way places .
24 United Kingdom confectionery trade is worth two point six billion pounds , billion , and two years ago a figure that really astonished me when I saw it was that the total of all money that was given to development charities in the United Kingdom , including CAFOD , Christian Aid and Oxfam was equal to what Britain spent on one product made in York and that 's KitKat .
25 The usual test that is given for this is the Snellen chart for visual acuity , which is well known to anyone who has had a routine medical examination .
26 The cornetto , made of wood , with a cup-shaped mouthpiece and finger-holes , is not the most docile of instrumental pets ; to play it fluently , in tune and with good ( ‘ sensuous ’ , as Benvenuto Cellini described it ) tone , is a skill that is given to few — it does not seem all that long ago when even competent cornettists were almost as rare as hen 's teeth .
27 The Editor is grateful for the help that was given to him by catering personnel at MOD Stanmore who supplied the photographs and RAF Uxbridge .
28 But if they died , there was a very young family , a young wife , needing financial independence that was given to them by you , with a life insurance policy .
29 A child that was given to Mrs Gedge to bring up . "
30 The new Chaplain had done a lot of good work and was given back up by the other Chaplains .
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