Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you are beginning the game , changing your swing technique or just practising constructively , your learning capacity will have limits .
2 You might also use it to reduce your overdraft , to achieve discounts for early payment or simply to enjoy for your personal requirements .
3 The power can be exercised in any place to which the public has access whether on payment or not excluding dwelling houses or other private premises such as private clubs .
4 Towards the trespasser the occupier has no duty to take reasonable care for his protection or even to protect him from concealed danger .
5 To help look after your new perm use shampoos , conditioners and styling products with special ‘ permed hair or chemically treated formulations ’ .
6 What we need to do is steal his thunder in some way so that he realises how pointless it would be to write a story or even make any of those veiled suggestions that reporters of his ilk seem to be so good at . ’
7 In many circumstances this might not be a problem , but if you are at all keen on the subject and a little more experienced in circuit design and assembly , you may well wish to make another board or perhaps modify the circuit ( and probably the p.c.b .
8 The question of whether someone has suffered special damage or not depends on the facts of the particular case , and so is very much in the discretion of the court .
9 Apart from the chance that the customer may default on his payments ( perhaps even go bankrupt ) , there is the risk that he may also sell , damage or even destroy the goods .
10 There would therefore seem to be a considerable need for a fundamental s review of our speed limit laws with a view to making them more closely reflect their presumed purpose , that of increasing e road safety , without unnecessarily interfering with personal freedom or unnecessarily wasting time .
11 There were a lot of young drunks staggering about , too — most at that noisy and unattractive stage where they might want to be your pal or pick a fight or just throw up on you , so I gave them a wide berth .
12 Thornton did not have the strength in his punches to trouble Eubank early in the fight or enough snap to worry him later on .
13 The position of the hole for the ballvalve stem may be dictated by a backplate or specially strengthened section near the top of the cistern .
14 The list of people buried here is long and includes Judah Loew ben Bezalel ( Rabbi Loew d.1609 ) , a philosopher who was interested in the supernatural in traditional Jewish teaching , and whose notorious golem or artificially created servant , was said to lie in pieces in the attic of the Old-New Synagogue ; David Gans , the first Jewish historian to write a history of the gentiles which was published in Prague in 1592 ; Josef Salomo ben Elias del Medigo de Candia ( the Wandering Jew ) , who was born in Crete , studied at Palermo , was a pupil of Galileo , and finally practised medicine everywhere from Cairo to Prague ; Mardochee who founded a most important printing press in Prague and who was one of the founders of the Brotherhood of the Dead who until this century kept vigil at the cemetery .
15 Of course Hayward 's physical condition was such that he could no longer live alone — he had spent the war years as a guest of the Rothschilds in Cambridge and there must have been an element of sympathy or even pity in Eliot 's invitation to him ; the presence of old-fashioned Yankee rectitude in his character , and the quiet acceptance of " duty " in his role as Hayward 's companion and helper , can not be ignored .
16 In these changes , it is still unknown whether endothelin can directly cause the permeability change or indirectly induce the change after arteriolar constriction .
17 In such uses , therefore , the speaker mentally situates a real event in the field of the merely possible so that he can express a judgement , not on the reality of the happening , but on the appropriateness of its occurrence ( p. 219 ) : judging whether something real is appropriate for existence or not involves imagining what things would be like without its existence , and so leads to taking a mental position before its existence where both existence and non-existence are seen as possible .
18 Many of those trainees go to smaller firms , perhaps taking over positions of responsibility or even taking over from the owners when they die and thus continuing the industry 's good work .
19 That we will not during the period of 45 consecutive days immediately following the date of this letter enter into discussions with any other person relating to the disposal of our respective interest in the Shares unless you withdraw from negotiations for such purchase or unreasonably delay such negotiations ; and
20 The pound may now stay at its new post-Lawson level or even decline further .
21 There have been many doubts that Gazza could n't make a come-back at club level or even contemplate straddling the international scene again with the outrageous talent that made him a folk hero .
22 Moreover , at the beginning of such crises the production of consumer goods either remained at a high level or actually continued to increase .
23 Minimising — admitting that one or two staff members drink a bit or perhaps use a bit of cannabis or maybe occasionally get into trouble with the consequences of drinking too much but insisting that the Company has more important problems to deal with and that it is not the Company rule nor responsibility to deal with these problems .
24 Issues discussed include general and reporting guidance for both the continuing auditor ( who audited and reported on the previous financial statements ) and the incoming auditor ( where the previous financial statements were either audited by another auditor or not audited at all ) .
25 ( 2 ) That the use of clear ministerial statements as an aid to the construction of ambiguous legislation did not amount to questioning or impeaching the proceedings in Parliament or otherwise contravene article 9 of the Bill of Rights 1688 ( post , pp. 1037D–E , 1039C , 1040E–F , 1042C–D , 1043G , 1061A–B ) .
26 Danish schools whose heads do not see themselves as curriculum leaders are not necessarily sunk in apathy or mechanically carrying out the dictates of a central programme .
27 It might last a minute , an hour or even go on for days and there was nothing Dexter could do to fight it .
28 Winds of a hundred miles an hour or more roared and whistled round the isolated house on the cliffs , tearing at window catches , rattling doors .
29 It took an hour or more to jog along from Canonbury to Paddington , but we did reach the enchanted spot at last .
30 The effect began within a few minutes but took an hour or more to reach a maximum .
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