Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] you " in BNC.

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1 What is the root of his ever-present seeking for something other than he has — happiness , nirvana or what you will ?
2 Better job or whatever or pay rise or whatever you can increase
3 I mean what you 're looking for is a reduction or what you would have liked to have seen a reduction in the land allocation for employment needs , and yet in the other breath you are saying to North Yorkshire , you should really cater for one hundred percent migration .
4 There is still the need for a challenge in life and a sense of responsibility or whatever you like to call it .
5 I figured out — you know that noise in your room — that ghost or whatever you thought it was — ’
6 How will you know whether it is genuine regression or something you have imagined ?
7 He 's gone football or something you know .
8 Might not be it might be equipment out of the ambulance or something you do n't know .
9 that she could could make the tea or something you know , him having put the cups out and everything and I I put the teapot there and said put two tea bags in it and she just
10 and if you got to change the wheel or anything you got a , there 's some clips , you undo the clips down the driver and the back hand comes off with the wheel
11 Major investments can be made , particularly at these times , bearing in mind that what you pay out will bring you great dividends in the future .
12 It actually gives you a framework on which to base any any few words or any talk that you you have to give .
13 In this he initiated the Great Debate by exhorting teachers to ‘ satisfy parents and industry that what you are doing meets their requirements and the needs of their children ’ .
14 Which means the guarantor no longer has to pay you the rent so you you do n't really want to forego that either , yeah .
15 Bedroom has got a , it 's in an alcove so you 'll have that piece where it 's bottom of the stairs or wherever , I mean , the , stand on slip mats you 're gon na get that because of the , the airing cupboard is part of the hall , part of the bedroom and nothing you can do about that one , and on the wall it 's just gon na be one length of each room , cut off , perfect , , actually they do n't normally do that , they usually just the measurement , cos I not , never understood why they do n't have measurements there all standard , you guarantee use the one strip of another roll
16 Mealtimes provide natural variation in a programme and what you are going to offer will depend on the programme , the venue 's facilities , the season , the numbers and your budget .
17 You 've had the vote and who you 've put in .
18 follow-up notes including a note of a date to telephone if you have not received any news from the interview and what you have learned from the interview ( see p. 63 follow-up for interviewees ) .
19 Having to check your watch will have a bad effect on the way you handle the interview and what you learn from it .
20 Yes , I think you 're drawing a distinction between what you do in practice and what you 're booklet says , so I am talking about the letter of your booklet and what you do in practice might be a lot better .
21 tape deck , amplifier and your you 're not bothered about the tuner
22 You do n't get in someone 's car cos someone you do n't know is a ?
23 It may take anywhere from two to five or six hours , depending on the wood and the wind and what you had for breakfast and things like that .
24 There 's a superb colour picture on one side and everything you need to know to keep the fish , outlined by Dr DAVID POOL of the Tetra Information Service on the other .
25 And the rate of change of , of , of society no the background to what we 're doing , shifts the goalposts is the fashionable term but what you thought you meant you no longer mean , and of course , if one is meticulously methodical , one adjusts the definition as the circumstances change
26 I I would simply say that I think it does deserve maximum weight because I you will not be surprised to hear , er take the same view as Mr from Leeds City Council , that under no circumstances should the the settlement be located anywhere other than in a location which will serve York and not Leeds .
27 You think you 've got more money than what you have .
28 If you had that kind of function that you you know
29 and er if you 're going to work or something you do n't er
30 You know , I , I maintain if you 're gardening you 're thinking about work , or you 're not thinking about watering or whatever you should be doing in gardening .
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