Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't really get pocket money but if I see something in the shops in , in , this toy or something my mum , mum 'll buy it for me and say that 's your pocket money for this week .
2 That 's the only definition and worth over x million pound or whatever total revenue or whatever their threshold is
3 That car better condition than what my o , my one was .
4 Okay well let me say something now about what political power means er to an American president and what its limits are .
5 William James , for example , dedicated Pragmatism to J. S. Mill ‘ from whom I first learned the pragmatic openness of mind and whom my fancy likes to picture as our leader ’ .
6 It was as if he was their sovereign and they his subjects .
7 Write down exactly what you hope to do with your new horse and what your priorities are ; perhaps you want to hack and compete in Riding Club events , or maybe you want to concentrate on dressage or show jumping .
8 Hence , my boss is more likely to produce a change in my role-performance than one my peers .
9 understand the purpose of their work and what their efforts will achieve
10 I think it actually depends where you go to seek help and who your first erm person that you go
11 It just says do n't water if the plants look healthy do n't water them , we overdo the watering and it their roots then start growing upwards towards the soil .
12 I led her upstairs , took off her wet clothes , bathed and dried her ; she accepting my ministrations automatically , as if she were a child and I her mother .
13 ‘ I was just telling you about this girl and what her mother said on the night before she got married to the sailor . ’
14 The Trust is funded mainly by sponsorship and a small Government grant and one its main tasks is the administration of the prestigious Sandford Award of which there are now 52 holders , including York Minster .
15 A solicitor will tell you whether you have a case and what your chances of succeeding in any claim might be ; he or she will advise you where — Court or Tribunal — and will explain the procedure and steps to be taken throughout , and will represent you in negotiations with your employer if you wish .
16 Yes , aye , just use your gel and your your er Sofradex tablets , yeah
17 And there are other bits and pieces like notices for for their board and their their surgery advising patients about the booklets .
18 And my mum and my my dad starts going like , like , like and they go what you do .
19 His wide-spaced eyes were dark and brooding , but there was a softness in them which mirrored his nature and which his wife Carrie found to be comforting and reassuring .
20 I tell you what Suzy , Suzy 's problem is her rump and her her
21 Make a note of any page which is of special importance and what its relevance is .
22 That in itself does n't matter cos you 're coping , but I suspect what happens is every now and again you get a little blip and your your breathing starts to alter and you get a little breathless ,
23 And then just when we might not stop , oh my love , my virgin forest and me your virgin explorer , it is time , just like that , to stop .
24 Though apparently divorced from ‘ Cultural Progress ’ as related to the Basutu , which Eliot was also considering in 1936 , his idea of poetic drama was part of the same concern with embodying and strengthening what he had always associated with ideas of culture and community and which his dealings with the ‘ lower races ’ had helped to teach him : the need for art linked to religious ritual as a central value summing up and sustaining the social values of a culture .
25 Do it , its your business and its your concern . ’
26 Survival instinct is absolutely incredible , to see the wounds of a terrier and a fox when they have locked jaw locked and are pulled squealing out of a hole , I think I am deeply concerned about anybody here today that can turn that blind eye because what their terrier men are doing is dog fighting , make no bones about it , they wo n't be interested in laying the scent , they will not be interested in being retrained and helping your fraternity .
27 Tell you what , it 's in better bloody nick than what my old E reg was .
28 I mean , stuff that they your cover versions and stuff , you know ,
29 In November of each year the Nail is brought to the floor of the cathedral so it my be seen by the faithful .
30 The Profitboss does n't control punctuality nor what his people say to the press .
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