Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 In a developed legal system the rules of recognition are of course more complex ; instead of identifying rules exclusively by reference to a text or list they do so by reference to some general characteristic possessed by the primary rules .
2 In the afternoon or evening they love to hear Rupkotha ( fairy tales ) .
3 If Englishmen in America were to push on to the west , it was fairly predictable that there would be clashes with the thinly scattered Indian population , and it was quite certain that if they went far enough either west or north they would meet the French .
4 But the facile equation of silence with consent frequently results in the powerful forming exaggerated ideas of the degree of support or acquiescence they can command .
5 Also , where such Joint Ventures relate to production or Research & Development they have much wider implications for the growth of UK firms .
6 Just move onto the next one then media trainer I started talking to the training school about doing some training for officers it started with C I D cos you often find that a D S is an acting D I and when we asked them to do an interview about a crime or incident they say we 've not done radio interviews before , so Phil has er supported it and we 're gon na run some sort of training scheme one day courses for them .
7 If children in care are n't attending school because of truancy or exclusions they could be missing out . ’
8 And if you had asked my mum and dad whether I had it in me to be an actress or singer they would have laughed you out of town , ’ said Kylie .
9 Encouraged by his enthusiasm the people of Deogarh had given every rupee and paisa they could find to raise the share capital for the co-operative .
10 packing Friday on the way to mum Peter 's mum she told them she 's just in so much pain , she wants it doing so he 's gon na get in , I said , it 's poss that she 'll be in six days and probably off a few weeks after when she gets home it 's operation on her neck and shoulder they 're going to release the nerve they reckon it 's it 's a she told them and do what they will with it .
11 What an afternoon of drama , tension and excitement they had .
12 But if anyone else believes that all that 's consumed in the Sedgefield council chairman 's room is tea and biscuits they must be stoned out of their tiny little brains .
13 We are now integrating them more closely into the businesses , which will in future pay for all the research and engineering they require .
14 Fellow aviculturalists ‘ do n't call them twitchers , it 's the ultimate insult , ’ said Yvonne , Harry 's daughter Robin Pickering and Peter Banks from Stanhope were called in , and after much research and consultation they came to the extraordinary conclusion that this was a Glaucous Macaw .
15 THE Bunnymen hit an early peak with this second album , achieving a distance , weight and mystery they would never quite match again .
16 We must consider how to look after them , train them and give them the self-esteem and confidence they deserve .
17 Motability can provide the names of professional organisations who can assess the needs of the disabled person and advise them whether or not they are capable of driving and what sort of car and adaptations they might need .
18 With the authority and control characteristic of the highly acclaimed Headway course , Headway Advanced sets out to clarify and resolve those areas of language which remain problematic for advanced students , and which present a barrier to the fluency and accuracy they seek .
19 His Milton and Dante fetch pathetically small sums in comparison with the labour and skill they cost .
20 Others could not become citizens " until by their labour and industry they have acquired land " .
21 Driven on by wind and tide they raced through this passage and into a wide lake .
22 After courtship and copulation they split up again and have no further relations until the next season .
23 They remained in control over the means of mass communications but those whose work or views they had long ignored were now clamouring for access .
24 Nor can they help forming snapshot impressions of their colleagues in action — the way they speak to pupils , the degree of calmness or rowdiness they seem to achieve in their lessons and the way they write about their pupils ' work in formal reports .
25 Whether conscious or not of their own envy , the people in the most difficulty are those who feel they have been born the wrong sex — suspicious , or even quite clear , that their parents desperately wanted them to be the boy or girl they were not .
26 If they fight over philosophy or science they will inevitably lose .
27 Well first of all I 'd go down Street and up Street West and up to the top of Street and there was some puddling furnaces , the new side iron works and I 'd watch those men they 'd produce wrought iron and during the process the metal boils up and I 'd have to get a big rubbling bar and rubble they 'd call rubble into a ball , there 's a little wagon put underneath the put under the wagon and off he goes to the steam hammer , now I used to be fascinated with this and Saturday after Saturday I used to go up there and watch one of the heats and as soon as they 'd finished doing they used to go into the Forge and Hammer for a drink , I mean it was such hard work so they 'd do a heat go up the Forge and Iron and come back and then do another heat when I 'd
28 The Captain , despite the amount of work and trouble they caused him , liked the Sardinians .
29 ‘ Another and I think more important objective is to credit people for skill and knowledge they currently have and by doing so we will be helping to update the system of qualifications in this country . ’
30 Furthermore they are exceptionally ambitious in the language , skill and concepts they expect young children to acquire .
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