Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] because the " in BNC.

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1 I am sure my hon. Friend well remembers the Committee stage of the Atomic Weapons Establishment Act 1991 when we had great difficulty in discussing the measure properly because the Department would not release the necessary information .
2 Who are we to judge and belittle the nature of their experience merely because the profit-motive has made it possible .
3 It came to her that she could tell where the walls stopped being her skin only because the blue shaded down a spectrum from azure to sapphire .
4 Anyone else would be spending money prematurely because the benefits of additional quota would apply to a 1994 claim only .
5 We used to work there from half past twelve till five o'clock at night , taking the bucket out and put another bucket in because the buckets what they used to call the bushes what were connected to the links they used to wear and we used to have to take them , one of them out and used to have a big chain go right the way round and bring the , bring the buckets backwards and they used to loosen up all the , all the pins what used to go through the buckets in the , in the links , so we took them out and then they used to go up to the dock and br they put new bushes in .
6 v. McAlpine , where vibrations from pile-driving caused structural damage to a large hotel on adjoining land , Astbury J. held it to be a bad plea that the vibrations had this effect only because the hotel was so old as to be abnormally unstable ; but he found also that the evidence did not establish that it was in such a condition .
7 These provisions gave rise to uncertainty largely because the courts showed a marked reluctance to interpret them according to the ordinary meaning of such words as ‘ void , and they also gave rise to injustice because under the Common Law an infant could still sue an adult upon a contract unenforceable against himself and incapable of ratification by him .
8 Some say it is an irresponsible attitude but is n't it more irresponsible to use a vote just because the law commands it ?
9 Beverages with high ethanol content like whisky and cognac have no effect probably because the inhibitory effect of the high concentrations of ethanol present in these beverages overwhelms the stimulatory effect of the non-ethanolic components .
10 Yes , Chairm er it 's a bit of a dilemma really because the area that is being used to , to walk and then clamber over this bridge , is actually within the nature reserve , as you rightly describe it .
11 The rest of the economy has been slower to cut investment mainly because the slowdown hit the service sector only in the second half of last year .
12 MPs had difficulty getting their mail today because the Commons post office was bunged up with parcels containing lumps of coal addressed to Michael Heseltine .
13 Unions are at a disadvantage here because the legal framework which established workers ' rights to form unions and engage in collective bargaining was essentially created by government .
14 The Communist Party , which was largely working-class in its leadership and electoral following , was able to bridge this gap precisely because the Soviet Union was also centrally concerned with the rise of Nazi Germany .
15 That argument was used for not giving heroin or an opiate intravenously because the patient might die at the end of the needle and the GP would be blamed .
16 For the most part , the fast men were used in short bursts to conserve their strength and responded well to this ; but when the occasion demanded , as on the final day at Lord 's in 1963 , they could keep going for hour after hour just because the captain asked them to .
17 ‘ As long as you are n't arguing that we should deliberately suppress knowledge or reject scientific progress just because the discoveries can be abused .
18 ‘ Someone 's going to run a little child over because the lollipop lady is busy asking drivers to move on but children are coming out all the time .
19 True , it is a risk — many a spring in Britain has thrown a frost at us in April , even May is not unknown — but you are not going to be so daft as to muffle up and go out to do the pruning just because the date or some idiot article says the time is right .
20 Yet it would be odd logic not to repair the machine just because the current might one day be cut off again .
21 Last week , I was told about a club that closed an hour and a half early because the organisers were so freaked out by the number of collapses .
22 The information is duff partly because the polls have not yet found a reliable way to deal with non-voters , or with Do n't Knows ( who may become Do Knows on election day ) .
23 Poles flocked to churches during the darkest years of martial law partly because the church was the only legal form of opposition to communism .
24 It 's a pity really because the hills and so on beyond are , I think , fine cos the , I like the way it 's presented and very , very nicely mounted .
25 To an extent , this has always been there , but it 's important to raise the issue here because the most unfashionable person to help is often the person who is dying on your own doorstep .
26 After 1918 the small shipbuilding industry at Elbing almost collapsed as a result of the creation of the Corridor simply because the cost of maintaining the river was compounded by the cost of negotiating the tariff barriers .
27 It would be inappropriate if the COB Rules regulated that exempted business merely because the firm was a member of SFA for other activities .
28 It is unfair that we should have to wait until 1O.3Oam for the post just because the postmen have to hand deliver a memo to every department in the company , being told the post takes second place .
29 The income did not change its nature just because the trustees took their expenses from the same .
30 Dingiri Banda Wijetunga , who has been appointed acting president and will probably get the job permanently because the UNP has enough votes in parliament to secure it for him , is an unassuming 71-year-old compromise candidate .
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