Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] for it " in BNC.

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1 You can increase your chances of success by raising the kicking foot sufficiently for it to travel horizontally into the target .
2 Between the late-nineteenth century and the 1980s , there was a progressive decline in the occurrence of industrial confrontation only for it to dramatically reappear between 1983 and 1985 .
3 And why did n't they just pad you — why did you have to put on weight specially for it ?
4 The two situations complement each other , although there was no intention originally for it to turn out that way … ’
5 " I have a carrier here for it . "
6 Fifty pound again for it .
7 It sets the scene perhaps for it said it is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and he adds no sorrow to it .
8 Oh no , oh no , oh there were all v very few and far be there may have been local strikes but , such as one day er a grievance been put in and the men struck work just for it .
9 It is widely known that the new repository will run on AIX and OS/2 , but it may surprise many that the thing is also up under OS/400 as well as on Ultrix , HP-UX and Solaris and that IBM has funded development work internally for it to appear on these non-IBM versions .
10 ( When selling a seven year old car you might try to get a bit more for it because of its low mileage .
11 got quite a lot of money off for it .
12 Test me in this , ’ says the Lord Almighty , ‘ and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it .
13 ‘ This point can be proved by the constable dealing with the case describing the place sufficiently for it to come within the definition of ‘ street ’ at ( B ) 2 ante .
14 Thucydides ' praise of Archelaos , written not long before the latter 's death in 399 , tells how he built forts and straight roads , and reorganized the army , both infantry and cavalry arms , doing more for it than all his eight predecessors put together .
15 The lads were ‘ bang up for it — Talking Heads has been one of our favourite bands for a long time ’ , and another odd musical alliance was struck up , adding to a curious list of collaborations including the Velvet Underground 's John Cale ( who produced ‘ Squirrel And G-Man ’ ) and Donovan ( who supported them on tour ) .
16 I shall be bringing out a very large book on all aspects of marines in the latter half of this year , so keep an eye out for it .
17 Er it costs so much , nobody 's got enough money to , to put the money up for it to erm be at a price which would be affordable , unfortunately .
18 Well we 've got a handset somewhere for it .
19 And all the guys at the back the T T S put my name down for it because they had great hilarity
20 Well , you can put my name down for it , maybe at Christmas for a couple of days .
21 I talked them into it because at first they were scared , one because they thought they 'd get docked for it — but they said we could have half a day off for it and not get docked — and also because they thought Ros and Maureen were going to be looking down on them , " Oh , you 're only young girls ' , things like that .
22 So whoever 's going sign up for it .
23 Are you gon na get an agenda out for it Trevor before
24 In doing so , one must reiterate that , as mentioned at the beginning of the chapter , one is anticipating a conclusion that will be reached in the following chapter , namely that the " Mustakimzade tradition " , for all its faults , is perhaps marginally less unsatisfactory than other accounts of the origins of the Muftilik , though as has been , and will be , seen , there is very little in the way of solid evidence even for it .
25 No , she said , I 've been there yesterday , but er I lost a brooch , and I wish you would be on the look out for it .
26 We got a telling off for it though .
27 She only has to wear an outfit once for it to become an instant fashion trend .
28 Erm I wo n't really comment on in any detail on on the forty one thousand figure because it 's ours and I think we put sufficient justification in for it .
29 He held his hand out for it , but Rory hesitated .
30 The argument might be put forward , therefore , that the treatment slows the body clock enough for it now to be adjusted to a 24-hour day by normal time-cues .
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