Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] going [adj] " in BNC.

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2 As companies become more global , their policies towards corporate social responsibility are going global too .
3 Well my typewriter my typewriter were going funny it really was .
4 I told you I 'd put things off until this practice is going strong .
5 WIRRAL 'S only sixth form college is going independent next spring .
6 Stretched to the limit … police chief says petty crime is going unchecked .
7 BRITISH industry is going Dutch , according to a new study .
8 She could hear Mary Deare droning on : ‘ Her light is going faint , and if it goes out that means she is dead .
9 When I 'd washed up , the ebb was going strong again .
10 My girlfriend was going mad and I went in front of the governor .
11 Realizing that her tea was going cold , she gulped down half of it .
12 The line of fate is going wonky ; birth , school , work , marriage , kids , career , retirement , death .
13 Lennie had this thing , when the act was going bad , he 'd … ah , Lennie — God rest his soul .
14 comes back and says when the teacher come , the teacher was there this time , urgh the showers are on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and then they all start chanting Geoffrey switched the showers on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and er , loads of them , not just him , a load of them did it , and he , he started to cry , and then that was it then were n't it , ooh tiny tears , tiny tears , ooh poofter , poofter , crying and all that I mean he had a right day with it , so he goes to school this morning in Geography and the every body in the class , the girls and every body were going tiny tears , tiny tears , and he said I just ignored it today he says I just took no notice he says , but they 're all going , how 's your tears Geoffrey , are we going to cry again today , he says and they were trying to get me to cry today he says , but I just took no notice and Stuart kept going like this Geoff and he says I just went so he , he did the same back and then he went Geoff and Geoffrey just went , I mean what you do ? ,
15 10 years ago BBC1 's Last of the Summer Wine was going strong as Foggy and Clegg decided the time had come to replace Compo 's well-worn trousers .
16 She knew her imagination was going wild , and forced herself to stop and think .
17 ‘ His body was going rigid just like it was set in concrete .
18 ‘ And did you tell the foreign gentleman that her husband was going mad with jealousy ? ’
19 More than 70 firms a day are going bust .
20 The hon. Gentleman is going wide of the subject before the House .
21 But you know what I mean ; when a marriage or relationship is going wrong and it 's like everything that one person says or does n't say , or does or does n't do , seems to rub the other one up the wrong way .
22 The race is going great
23 B.B. King is going strong , as are Albert Collins and Albert King .
24 Finally we asked very loudly if the store was going broke and somebody within earshot scooted out of a doorway to see what the ruckus was about .
25 ‘ The game was going OK and then it went up in flames .
26 Soon the strain was showing and his home life was going wrong .
27 The kid was going mental .
28 got up late , twenty past six , the kid was going berserk when we went to bed
29 It was a secret that made her even more different , because now that people were saying that she was turning into the dark beauty her mother had been , she knew much more about why men and women made babies , that it was n't because it was a duty to God but because they enjoyed it ; and seeing him in church every week , noticing that his voice was going deep and that her own body was changing too and that they were becoming man and woman made her think about him and long for him more and more : she wanted to have him completely , entirely for herself .
30 Or you go out , come off feeling it was rubbish , but the crowd are going wild and the road crew love it again .
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