Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] taken of " in BNC.

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1 Nobody was hurt and luckily a picture was taken of the offender who is being actively sought .
2 One sample is taken of the effluent , with both downstream and upstream samples of the river .
3 The solution is to restrict the sample in one or both of two ways , as follows : a ) stratified samples : in this case , a random sample is taken of a particular " strata " ( or part ) of the total relevant population .
4 No notice is taken of their humanity .
5 No notice is taken of the effect it is having on the recipient .
6 Judicial notice is taken of this practice ( Davey v Harrow Corporation [ 1958 ] 1 QB 60 ) .
7 For many years little notice was taken of Wordsworth 's writings before 1798 , but even the School Exercise written at the age of fourteen ( Poetical Works , i , 259–61 ) is useful as an illustration of the faults of eighteenth-century style ; it is written in heroic couplets , in imitation of the work of Alexander Pope , and contains an excessive use of personification :
8 But no notice was taken of information or opinion cascading up .
9 In determining how much can be achieved in 15 minutes , consideration is taken of the time to store/restore and the time to verify , and equal durations of seven and a half minutes are allocated to these phases .
10 The subjects ingested three sets of 20 markers at 24 hour intervals and a single abdominal radiograph was taken of the subject supine 24 hours after ingestion of the last set of markers .
11 Many enclosures are particularly spacious and carefully landscaped — with full advantage being taken of the beautiful rural setting of the Bradwell Grove Estate as a backdrop .
12 This is an attempt to prevent delays in the other enforcement procedures ( and advantage being taken of these delays ) resulting in the local authority being faced with a fait accompli .
13 Has any account been taken of the record of those advisers in past sell-offs ?
14 However , for working-class girls the emphasis within education remained largely on the preparation for marriage and a family , with little account being taken of their equally likely long-term participation in the labour market .
15 It would have outlawed abortions in all cases except where pregnancy threatened a woman 's life , no exceptions being made for pregnancy resulting from rape or incest , and no account being taken of a woman 's ill-health or poverty .
16 Little or no account is taken of alterations in product policy to suit the conditions of non-domestic markets .
17 They can help bridge the communication divide between information system technologist and the ultimate user , and also ensure that due account is taken of the quality and type of information that is being manipulated , communicated and stored on the systems .
18 The direct effect is the net change in the number of jobs before account is taken of output changes .
19 In a no account is taken of the animals ' life styles .
20 We also looked at the diversity of living arrangements which operate between couples today , even before account is taken of our ethnically diverse , multi-cultural society .
21 National rules in the member states where services are provided can only be applied to the extent that the public interest requires it , and after due account is taken of the national rules applied to the company in the member state of establishment .
22 Contrary to the Jenkins and Sherman argument a group of academic economists ( Stoneman et al. 1981 ) , in a study published by the OECD , claimed that ‘ up to now there is no firm evidence that the current high levels of unemployment are due to technical progress ’ and that ‘ if account is taken of the offsetting effects that can be predicted , there will be little change in overall demand [ for skills and jobs ] ’ .
23 But the severe limitations of this technique become clear when account is taken of the conditions which would have to hold in order to render the results accurate .
24 It is crucial to the case that account is taken of something which is obscured by straightforward relative comparisons between countries around 1970 .
25 Little or no account is taken of such corporate entities as manufacturers ' associations , the City of London and the educational system ; or of the whole range of institutions which sustain the British social system .
26 Although the focus is on individual prisons , some account is taken of the wider prison system and , in at least some cases , the overall criminal justice process .
27 No account is taken of the importance of housework to women , either in terms of the simple amount of time women spend on domestic-care activities , or in terms of the personal meaning of housework to women ( which may , of course , vary with different social locations ) .
28 First , no account is taken of cash flows arising after the payback date .
29 The differences widen even further when account is taken of the more satisfying nature of professional occupations .
30 Having said this , I feel presently available guidelines underestimate rather than over-estimate the prevalence of dementia in the community , since in general no account is taken of the rapidly rising prevalence with age increases beyond 75 .
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