Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] that an " in BNC.

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1 The irony is that an effective scheme , which resulted in the rebuilding of Russian and eastern European industry with western expertise and equipment could help the West out of its recession as well .
2 What generally happens in practice is that an applicant whose total score is above a certain level would normally get credit automatically .
3 The intention is that an LEA will not be able to favour particular schools , or to use the granting and withholding of funds as a means of enforcing policies , or of promoting some educational practices and discouraging others ( except to a marginal extent with some limited discretionary funds that can be kept outside the aggregated budget ) .
4 The third rule is that an application to a tribunal claiming unfair dismissal casts the burden of proving a reason for the dismissal falling within the Act on the employer .
5 The general rule is that an acceptance takes effect when it is actually communicated to the offeror , Entores v. Miles Far Fast Company ( 1955 C.A. ) and Brinkibon Ltd. v. Stahag Stahl ( 1982 H.L. ) .
6 The irony was that an episode which offered proof of Morrissey 's distrust of established institutions now elevated The Smiths to an almost legendary status .
7 If the effect of the rule was that an emergency ring holding position could not be achieved by making a residence order , because of a requirement for 21 days notice , then section 9(5) would have no application and the judge was free to achieve the objective by means of a specific issue order and/or a prohibited steps order .
8 The key principle of the Act is that an employer should not make a deduction from the wages of a worker without that worker 's written consent .
9 What this means , in effect , therefore , in the context of private international law is that an administrator can not be appointed over the affairs , business and property of an overseas company .
10 In general terms , however , the present state of the law is that an individual who has reached the age of 18 is free to do with his life what he wishes , but it is the duty of the court to ensure so far as it can that children survive to attain that age .
11 The only rule of law is that an offer by telegram raises a presumption that a speedy reply is expected ( Quenerduaine v. Cole ) , and therefore the lapse of a whole day would normally be too long .
12 My understanding of the law is that an adult patient who is capable of doing so must give consent to any medical treatment if that treatment is to be lawful .
13 Directly or indirectly we could ‘ ask ’ him/her , but our requirement is that an observer acting at a distance can observe what a pupil does and thence infer satisfaction in response .
14 Another proposal was that an independent commission would be set up to examine the question of racial discrimination .
15 An immediate complication is that an impurity is only a minor component of a mixture , and so some regions of its spectrum may be difficult to study .
16 The danger is that an increased demand for imported goods could be created , so local facilities must exist and be really comprehensive when a new tax policy is instigated .
17 The reason why a rational person would draw this inference is that an unexpectedly high price can be due to a positive aggregate demand shock or a positive relative demand shock , and it can of course arise from a combination of the two .
18 ‘ The principle of our business is that an asset can be financed and paid for , including interest and capital , in the first half of its working life , ’ he says .
19 The outcome is that an industry which has skilfully managed to convert a chemical with meagre medical justification and considerable potential for harm ( Grinspoon and Hedblom 1975 ) into a legitimate drug , remained free from federal control to go on manufacturing , distributing , and advertising it .
20 The point is that an orderly community can exist only if it shares many practices , and that in all modern pluralistic societies a great measure of toleration of vastly differing outlooks is made possible by the fact that many of them enable the vast majority of the population to accept common standards of conduct .
21 One good point is that an original direction , but not a supplementary direction , can not be retrospective as it only has ‘ effect from the date of the direction ’ ( para 1A(1) and ( 4 ) ) .
22 The point is that an equation can be interpreted as stating this : given each of a number of possible extents to which specified things possess certain different general properties , it is then the case , despite accompanying conditions and events , that another specified thing would still possess another general property to one of a number of possible extents .
23 Our starting point is that an operator is simply something which , given a vector , is a means of associating another vector with it .
24 The significant point is that an initial capital is a form of emphasis or highlighting in writing , and therefore can be used as a visual correlative of emphasis in speech ( see further 5.4.2 ) .
25 In effect this means doing a PhD rather than an MD , and the message from the conference was that an MD is a devalued degree .
26 The pope 's opinion was that an altar once moved should never again be used as an altar .
27 The assumption behind this shift was that an ideal black music would naturally link up with socialist politics .
28 The concept is that an onboard device captures operating and maintenance data under specified in-flight conditions .
29 The reason for such lack of jurisdiction to review in the court is that an eleemosynary corporation is governed by a system of private law which is not of ‘ the common known laws of the kingdom ’ but the particular laws and constitutions assigned by the founder .
30 A consequence of the definition of a third party organisation is that an organisation with identical membership to another organisation is , technically at least , a third party to a treaty concluded by the latter .
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