Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] for you " in BNC.

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1 The aim of your study is for you to LEARN .
2 You are only fifteen , and if your parents will not take responsibility for you , and you will not tell us what you are up at night , the only alternative is for you to go into care .
3 If you think the stroke is for you , the keys to success are :
4 If you 're into Aromatherapy then Tisserand Aromatherapy is for you .
5 That place is for you , Clare . ’
6 ( That cultural allusion is for you , Stu . )
7 You will then know what a healthy weight-loss diet is for you and be able to follow this for a further two weeks , or longer if necessary .
8 The guinea is for you . ’
9 The vast majority hire boots and skis so you do n't have to spend a lot of money on gear before you find out if skiing is for you .
10 But the gift is for you both .
11 The point is for you to think decide what you think .
12 I said well actually the cake was for you as well .
13 ‘ I bet Ross 's idea of compromise is for you to do what he wants !
14 The program allows you to rate how important each factor is for you .
15 If you have forty children and desks for all of them , a set of recommended texts and a full complement of teaching time , the syllabus is for you and the texts help you .
16 If you are self-employed and working from home , the Barclays Solo Policy is for you .
17 I said that , I said the back door 's for you but they 're like concrete .
18 The notepad is for you to write down any ideas which might aid the crusade the Conductor outlined . ’
19 But my main concern is for you .
20 This first kite has to work if you are to be satisfied , so our first tip is for you to be conservative , and select one of the tried and tested shapes that give least trouble .
21 I suppose you may say : ‘ Why should I be more green ’ ? and what I say to that is : ‘ I do n't know what the reason is for you but I do know that for me it 's about showing compassion for the planet we live on and trying to hand on as much beauty and good-will as we possibly can to future generations ; while improving our own quality of life .
22 Do n't feel bad if that happens because the most important thing is for you to BE SAFE .
23 That information is for you only .
24 If you are new to the spectrum , and want your information presented in a fairly straight manner , then the Ian Sinclair book is for you .
25 The rest of this letter is for you alone , Ellen .
26 So I will make a personal attack on you the day after to-morrow , when the House will be full , and I will tell you beforehand what I 'm going to say and what the right come-back is for you to score off me .
27 The Green Show is for you .
28 After the first glass of wine , bending solidly towards her : " The orchid was for you , " he said .
29 Then the BBC Good Food Beginner 's Wine Certificate is for you .
30 Did you ever , did he ever clean the loo 's for you ?
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