Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Simple endorsements of one or another nostrum are of no service to the teaching of reading ’ .
2 Today nearly half of all the vines grown in the white wine vineyards of Champagne are of the Pinot Meunier variety — a practicality only possible because of Pérignon .
3 The Thermai is only 80 metres from the centre of town and both Old Rhodes Town and the nightlife are within a few minutes walk .
4 Most of the remainder are in the 40–70 range , with the highest grades reaching almost average mental ability .
5 ‘ No , the nose and the hair are in the family , ’ my brother agreed .
6 … The proceedings in the present case are for the direct purpose of handing the appellant over so that he may be dealt with on these charges .
7 Do not worry about this so long as all or most of the important symptoms of the case are in the remedy .
8 The 275 acres of pasture are of the best and surround the house on all sides , undulating towards distant hills — and to Dublin airport only half-an-hour away .
9 The implication of sex differences in economic activity for economic inequality are among the questions that are being pursued in my current research with John Ermisch and other colleagues .
10 Improvements to Ark printing are in the offing , Mr Round believes , as are facilities for transferring data into Ark , which will allow data to be loaded automatically from the firm 's AS/400 database without rekeying .
11 ‘ ( 1 ) A party to a contract ‘ deals as consumer ’ in relation to another party if — ; ( a ) he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so ; and ( b ) the other party does make the contract in the course of a business ; and ( c ) … the goods passing under or in pursuance of the contract are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
12 A party to a contract " deals as a consumer " in relation to another party if — ( a ) he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so ; and ( b ) the other party does make the contract in the course of a business ; and ( c ) in the case of a contract governed by the law of sale of goods or hire-purchase , or by section 7 of this Act [ ie other contracts of supply ] the goods passing under or in pursuance of the contract are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
13 Section 12(1) of UCTA 1977 provides as follows : 12 – ( 1 ) A party to a contract " deals as consumer " in relation to another party if ( a ) he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so ; and ( b ) the other party does make the contract in the course of a business ; and ( c ) in the case of a contract governed by the law of sale of goods or hire-purchase , or by section 7 of this Act , the goods passing under or in pursuance of the contract are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
14 IBM Corp and Microsoft Corp are among the companies planning to incorporate the Desktop Management Task Force 's Desktop Management Interface into their operating systems .
15 The story goes that the ends of the bugle strings on the badge are in the form of thistles in remembrance of the regiment 's association with the Highlanders in battle .
16 Turn-taking and interaction are among the first communicative skills .
17 It will be seen from the above comments that the local banks through their Trade Finance Division are in a position to offer real help — it would be foolish to ignore it .
18 However , if the two are integrated , those running the body-making division are in a weaker position if asked to make changes , since they have no independent control rights over the assets they manage .
19 People with high levels of blood cholesterol are at an increased risk of a heart attack .
20 Beck 's analysis of this complex project and of the various influences at play are among the finest pages in the book .
21 The pupils of St David 's primary are in no doubt as to the merits of the project compared to normal paint and brush work .
22 Many of the matters which are discussed within this framework are of the greatest importance for social anthropology .
23 Movements of base level are of the utmost importance in understanding landforms in most parts of the world , for the earth 's surface is in an unstable period of its history .
24 Well if it was me to keep it balanced I usually put the bigger ones near the bottom or on one side so that the small bit are at the top and the big bits are at the bottom and artistically it looks a bit better balanced but it does n't really matter for the maths where you put it .
25 In drama we have a great advantage over other subjects in that non-verbal language and narrative are at the centre of our work .
26 Away from the city centre , the Charlottenburg Palace and the Spandau Citadel are among the bestknown sights , whilst back in Berlin 's heart you can now wander the previously verboten Brandenburg Gate .
27 But the books a writer fails to write in his adolescence are of a different nature from the books he fails to write once he has announced his profession .
28 In temperament , age and policy , government and parliament are in a state of perpetual conflict .
29 In the central Philippine city of Cebu , meanwhile , negotiations with the 200 army rebels who seized an air force base are at a stalemate .
30 In the central Philippine city of Cebu , meanwhile , negotiations with the 200 army rebels who seized an air force base are at a stalemate .
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