Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] while they " in BNC.

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1 Among these was the USA , but their delegation saw the obvious sense in the proposal and while they were not authorised to approve it they would not oppose it but would abstain instead .
2 On the edge of the runway Greg brought the ambulance to a halt and while they prepared to wait for the incoming aircraft , David maintained radio contact with the control tower .
3 They waited for the priest to pass along with the thin wafer of bread and while they did so their hands were like this , cupped and raised in a gesture that might be offering or receiving .
4 Hypocrisy is a key element in this plot , too , with the difference that while they started near the top of society and were on the verge of receiving power at the very beginning , he — as a bastard son who is only just back from having spent nine years abroad ( the typical occupation for one who has no prospect of inheritance in his own country ) and is due to go again — starts very much lower down in society , virtually at the bottom .
5 The band were involved in a car accident and while they had thought that there were no casualties , their sound man subsequently suffered from dizzy spells and was unable to work the night of the gig .
6 The band were involved in a car accident and while they had thought that there were no casualties , their sound man subsequently suffered from dizzy spells and was unable to work the night of the gig .
7 Starting in the early 1970s , Newman , and his then all-white collective , embraced the notion that while they would form an intellectual vanguard , the black community would produce ‘ organic ’ leaders of its own .
8 In recent years , after an earlier period of reaction , most of the leading German theologians have been post-Barthian in the sense that while they have departed from him in various ways , they have nevertheless taken a basic orientation from him .
9 Now I was I would n't say surprised because the matter is already well know , but I found an additional piece of evidence for the proposition that while they knew a lot about what happened to their commodities in their countries — how it was produced , how it was distributed internally and how it was sold internationally — they generally did n't have very much information as to what happened afterwards .
10 But there 's no doubt that while they 're here , these children stand a far better chance of becoming adults .
11 For their part any incomers see themselves as having made considerable sacrifices to come to Shetland , giving up their homes in the south near friends and perhaps relatives , and facing the possibility that while they are away inflation will ensure that they can not afford to buy their old houses back again when they return ( hence the price guarantees that the airlines are obliged to offer on their employees ' houses in Shetland ) .
12 Rae and his wife Heather , at the front in the photo , came to Malta on holiday and while they were here they came to stay with me and my husband Brian .
13 Just le lea you 're leading them home so let them pick a bit of grass and then you go on into the yard and I 'll give them the breakfast , they have their breakfast and while they 're eating their breakfast you 're doing your horse and you get finished and then you go and have yours .
14 Drama time The children start by working in small groups , continuing to improvise their daily routine , but with the added task that while they are working they should be discussing the issue of the railway route .
15 The evidence from European countries of attempts to implement these kinds of arrangements tends to support the view that while they help ease labour-management tensions they slow down decision-making and reduce management flexibility .
16 Protagonists in the optical disc industry may have overlooked the fact that while they have been arguing the merits of their various platforms , hard disc storage has been growing ever larger .
17 they were having one here as well and erm they booked it for the day and they were staying there overnight , cos they were , they 've got a house and they were gon na let guests stay at their house and while they stayed up there and then
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