Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [num] day " in BNC.

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2 Surely no more appropriately-named horse could win with a General Election only five days away from the race itself .
3 PITCHED into the cricketing cauldron that is Sabinal Park only three days after their SAA jumbo jet touched down at Norman Manley International , their adrenalin expended in the World Cup and their concentration on the solitary Test , the South Africans were utterly outplayed in all three One-Day Internationals .
4 Party Politics now carries the colours of Mrs Patricia Thompson , who took delivery of the gift horse only two days before the National , a surprise from her husband , David , who owns Cheveley Park Stud , Newmarket .
5 Matlock , who won the Trophy in 1975 , lost 1-0 at home to Stalybridge Celtic , but Celtic 's centre half Micky Kilduff had signed for the club only six days before the game , instead of the seven laid down in the rules , so the match has been awarded to Matlock .
6 The CTD bond can be delivered on any business day of the delivery month , but in practice only two days are ever used .
7 Elizabeth , of Taunton , Somerset , was working as an advertising executive in Durban and had announced her engagement just three days before her death .
8 I 'll take quite a lot more interest in this competition now , and perhaps Sebastian here will get out of bed to train before school without being called six times — he only starts running practice about ten days before a competition , you know .
9 We divided the chicks into four groups and spread the experiment over two days .
10 Nevertheless , a new home should n't be so small as to rule out the possibilities of shared living again one day .
11 Both times it was retrieved but in 1966 , while it was lying in the field just three days before it was due to be raised , the top half was stolen by a gang from Aberford again .
12 Having just wed , and her husband laid off from the cotton mill only four days since , her wages were now the only ones coming in , and she lived in fear of being put out of work .
13 He had n't said he was going away and renting his house , which was odd because they 'd been chatting in the village not two days before he 'd disappeared and Leo taken up residence .
14 About a week later , I finished work early one day and came back to the house .
15 Why not fix to have a light lunch here one day if ever in Edinburgh .
16 Is , is it possible that we could have a , a vet , a R S P C A vet and take , uses that hut even two days a week would be a great help to the pensioners .
17 I would never go out like what Tony was saying you know he does n't drink at all and like he 'd be in a pub maybe seven days a week but I would take a drink now and again and I might n't go into a pub once in a month maybe .
18 I saw a wheelchair there one day and I know
19 Survivors were contacted by telephone over two days in January 1992 .
20 The profit of 625 has therefore been made with capital of 7500 , a return over 20 days of 8.33 per cent , and an effective return ( re ) of .
21 Rev Kevin Engel , vice-chairperson of WACC 's Asian Regional Association ( WACC-AR ) , was the main speaker at the seminar which took place at the East Asia Pastoral Institute over three days .
22 It was debated no fewer than five times on the Floor of the House and was given long and detailed scrutiny by a Select Committee over 26 days .
23 The three person team was the first to cover 30 miles of rough terrain over two days .
24 At the Berlin conference only 10 days ago my German counterpart , the Minister of the Interior , was alarmed at the number of eastern Europeans and Russians who intend to move into Germany .
25 Although this took place only three days later , Brunel and Burn had in that time examined forty-four schemes and produced a nine-page report vindicating the efforts of Angell and Pownall .
26 Peter Bourne reveals that on 16 October 1959 Camilo Cienfuegos ( who disappeared in a still unexplained air accident only ten days later ) was interviewed at the Havana Riviera Hotel by Alexander Alekseev , a KGB official who quickly developed an excellent rapport with Castro and played an extremely important role in the development of relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union .
27 Sweden tried to take the first initiative only two days after the ending of the Maudling negotiations , inviting other states to send representatives to Stockholm to discuss how their trade policies might be better coordinated .
28 Mr Ciampi announced his team only two days after his appointment — a record in Italy .
29 She was very distressed and embarrassed by the March , 1992 , report which said that having agreed to attend a gala for the blind — with only her expenses to be paid — she had broken her word by demanding a fee only two days before the event .
30 Since Schorne was described in an episcopal record in 1273 as a subdeacon and became an incumbent with cure of souls at that time , it is probably wrong to identify him with the namesake collated by Archbishop John Peckham [ q.v. ] to the rectory of Monks Risborough ( Buckinghamshire ) on 24 September 1289 , a man who had been ordained subdeacon on the title of that benefice just twelve days earlier in Kent .
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