Example sentences of "[noun sg] [art] [adj -est] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Having just produced the film of Gore Vidal 's political play The Best Man , Turman started to consider making the movie from Webb 's book .
2 5 of the 38 families consisted of a widowed mother with respectively 3,5 , 5 , 6 , and 8 children to support , and in each case the eldest girl or girls were compositors .
3 In this case the best method for recovering eggs is to use the flushing method described in Section 2.2 for cleavage stages followed by hyaluronidase treatment if necessary .
4 The covers may have rusted badly and the handles broken off , in which case the best tool to lift them is a garden spade inserted under the rim , followed by a stout length of wood .
5 In each case the greatest threat needs to be addressed first and where two or more addictions are equally strong , then each needs to be treated with equivalent concern .
6 In this case the highest tender was accepted , without other tenderers being given the opportunity to submit another offer on the basis of similar amendments to the original brief .
7 It is arguable that the design of the system should be dictated by the optimal information flow , in which case the simplest approach would be to use these sources of knowledge in a serial fashion , with a uni-directional flow of information .
8 Privacy may not be a consideration , in which case the simplest treatment may be a sheer to soften the window outline ; or , for a more cosy feeling at night , combine it with a roller blind .
9 This might be because it will give you , the teacher , more confidence in what you 're doing , in which case the simplest way is to discuss the likely roles and ask for volunteers before the drama proper begins .
10 In this case the simplest solution is to copy them back from the original installation disks — see Copying QBasic .
11 All the interviewees were asked what moved them to experiment with heroin in the first instance The largest group ( 33 per cent ) first tried heroin out of curiosity which , in most of the cases , had been aroused by the previous use of other drugs .
12 Businessmen in the North-East hope the latest campaign will stem the rising tide of youngsters who have become trapped in a sordid world of solvent abuse .
13 At the federal level the highest organ of state authority is the bicameral Federal Assembly , comprising the Chamber of the People ( 101 seats for the Czech Lands and 49 seats for Slovakia ) , and the Chamber of Nations ( 75 seats for each republic ) , to which deputies are elected by universal adult suffrage .
14 A. M. The worst part of the job was chasing fellers off the corners , a crowd of drunks , especially when you were the only policeman .
15 Without such funding the best way to process general language is to acquire rather than develop a parser ( Patten , 1992 ) .
16 Given the current technical framework and the likely developments in the future , how can British broadcasting be financed in such a way as to brine the greatest enjoyment and pleasure to as many viewers and listeners as possible while at the same time fulfilling the public service obligation ?
17 The bidder will usually wish to discuss with the target 's board the best way of dealing with optionholders ( eg cash cancellation and/or roll-over into new options of the bidder ) .
18 It was his inspiration to claim that ‘ At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls Royce comes from the electric clock . ’
19 No more will they find the King 's Cross rush hour the worst part of the whole journey .
20 It had something to do with history and the past , that excitement , and something to do with potential as well , with what Orwell or somebody had said , that every man really knew in his heart the finest place to be was the countryside on a summer 's day .
21 Of course the greatest problem was money , and flying aeroplanes is an expensive business .
22 Take-off the trickiest moment
23 As an inhouse technique the best practice reviews are low cost , and the findings are readily acceptable since they derive from the way familiar colleagues in the same overall business carry out their tasks .
24 Our own convention about precedent convert any decision the highest court makes about Elmer , for example , into law for future murdering heirs .
25 At present the toughest part is convincing Latin Americans that anyone could have a surname like ‘ Haythornthwaite ’ ! ’
26 At present the best way of monitoring these patients is by endoscopy .
27 In my experience the best setting for groups or individuals is a comfortably furnished room , not too reverberant , with plain , unobtrusive decor and a choice of armchairs and upright chairs which are easily shifted depending on the particular grouping needed for the activity ( one-to-one discussion , four grouped round a table , two rows facing each other , a circle and so on ) .
28 Once again McNab paid tribute to the old guard who have seen Tranmere soar into third place in the First Division the highest placing in the club 's history .
29 Drake the whitest waterfowl of the region , relieved at rest by only a few black markings , but in flight looks more pied .
30 They found their bedroom the hardest room to decorate in the new style .
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