Example sentences of "[noun sg] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Under a forward contract the export receipt of $ 10m is worth DM39.3m ( $10m × DM3.93 ) .
2 The House of Lords found that the legislation only allowed terms to be attached which related to the use of the site and not to the types of contract the site owner could make with the caravan owners .
3 At Shortwood Farm at Pencombe in Herefordshire , Duchess the Shire horse is helping to revive an ancient tradition .
4 In the Sheriff Court , there are fourteen days to enter appearance , but to do so here it is necessary to produce to the Sheriff Clerk the Service Copy Writ so that he can satisfy himself from when the fourteen days is calculated .
5 Press Ctrl to pop-up the help menu
6 When Ivan III came to the throne the Kremlin hill was still covered with wooden buildings .
7 The first thing Carlie did when she got to the foster home was pull the plastic footrest up close to the TV : ‘ Do n't talk to me when ‘ Young and Restless ’ is on , ’ she warned the foster mother who was standing behind her .
8 After this preparation the dressmaking technique can proceed , using the appropriate seaming that your own sewing machine offers , zig-zag stitch and/or overlocking stitch ( possible the most suitable to keep the fabric supple at the seams ) .
9 When he opened the canopy the base commander approached with a civilian .
10 I mean was there any difficulty learning lines , was there any difficulty walking on stage , acting the part , being an actor , because Adam Faith the pop singer may have brought them in but then he was forgotten on stage was n't he ?
11 Both bring into play the Easter office and order for the Mass on Good Friday where Christ is given words of reproach based on texts from Lamentations , Jeremias and Micheas ( Micah ) to stress the contrast between God 's goodness to his people under the old covenant and their crucifixion of his Son .
12 Theatre companies taking part in Mayfest will include the Traverse company from Edinburgh with Tom McGrath 's new play Buchanan , Pigsback from Dublin with Gavin Kostick 's play The Ash Fire and the Tron Theatre-Dundee Rep co-production of Macbeth with Iain Glen in the title role .
13 The play the Master Forger features veteran actor Roy Marsden rehearsing here with Jackie Smith Wood .
14 ( a ) Basic charging provision Where : ( i ) a capital sum is paid to the settlor in a year of assessment by any body corporate connected with the settlement in that year ; and ( ii ) an associated payment has been or is made directly or indirectly to that body corporate by the trustees of the settlement the capital sum shall be treated for the purposes of s677 as having been paid to the settlor by the trustees of the settlement .
15 That proposition presupposes that if you make a reduction in the district figures , then you must have an idea what the district contribution towards the Greater York figure is , er and I find it difficult to see that you can have , if you have a new settlement , if you have a new settlement the C provision for the new settlement floating in this table , erm but can I just say before we adjourn for coffee , that I really would like to have some very firm answers to the questions which are posed under issue two , er and particularly about two D and that is specific guidance on the location of the new settlement .
16 With VR2 providing minimum resistance the time period is less than one second but at maximum resistance , it is four minutes approximately .
17 After hundreds of years of embattled resistance the Dwarf city of Karak Eight Peaks falls to attack by Orcs , Goblins and Skaven .
18 Current holder the LIFESPAN user name of the person to whom the SPR was most recently passed , whether that user has accepted responsibility for it or not .
19 I call in my defence the poll tax and , most particularly , its demise following the Trafalgar Square demonstration of 30 March 1990 .
20 In their defence the party leadership could argue that they had been hampered by the lack of a parliamentary majority ; the choice had been hanging on by the skin of one 's teeth or of giving up and holding an election in the face of adverse opinion polls .
21 Coupled to an external VHF aerial the 5.0W setting is capable of giving a useful range equal to that of many panel-mounted sets , but on test in the cockpit it failed to offer me much real advantage over the lower-powered units when all were used with the standard screw-on flexible antennas as supplied .
22 Treat your hair the Wella Balsam way for ultimate shine and condition .
23 Suck one and see Private Eye Happy thirtieth birthday Long hair The Heathcliff look returns .
24 When considering assessment the Munn Report recommended that all subjects should be examined , with three levels of syllabuses to accommodate different ability groups .
25 But far from demanding more of the public 's attention , he should be thankful for the coverage the Boat Race already receives .
26 At Chatham Park the model home styles also have English names such as The Andover , Pembroke , Windsor , Dover and Chelsea .
27 On the other hand , if it integrates with the airline part of the holiday and begins to develop its own hotels and resort complexes this is a case of backward vertical integration , since in this case the holiday firm is pushing its liaisons further back into the supply network of the holiday .
28 In this case the Peabody Trust will be the occupier .
29 In this case the shell material is a little more resistant than the enclosing limestone , and the specimen has been weathered out of the rock in good condition .
30 It is possible that three months later the spot rate could be DM3.88–3.92 ( dollar weaker/DM stronger ) in which case the contract value will be DM38.8m ( alternatively the spot rate might be DM4.08–4.12 , therefore the contract value is DM40.8m ) .
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