Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] her [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously they do n't need the same kind of money , but her like they do n't get a do n't get a grant for her or her brother ,
2 Since a residence order was in substance what the foster mother sought , it was agreed between counsel for her and the local authority : ( a ) that the local authority would not object to the foster mother 's application for a residence order being made before the expiry of the six months period ; ( b ) that the hearing before the judge should be treated as the hearing of that application ; ( c ) that if , in the event , the foster mother were to be given leave to apply for a residence order she would agree to the formal dismissal of her application for judicial review without any penalty as to costs ; but ( d ) that , if leave under the Act were to be refused , it would be open to the foster mother to continue the judical review proceedings .
3 And it 's an opportunity for her and me to say a couple of words to us , and for us certainly to thank her very much for her service .
4 The idea was that a 486 user would rush out to buy a new processor for her or his machine as they became available and this facility would mean the death of the 386 .
5 Still half asleep , her brain only semi-functioning , she left her bed and , pulling a robe about her as she went , switching on lights in her wake , she went to stop the incessant din .
6 ‘ The decided to fight her case for her so she could make a good job of it , ’ Mr Robinson claimed .
7 They had stopped off at home and packed a case for her and then they had stayed to help her settle in .
8 , though he did say he would like another short-stay admission for her as
9 Channelling all the pain of her loss into arguments to support her theory , she leapt on to the promise of provision for her and the baby , and to the sentence , ‘ I 'm sure he 'll turn out better than the other one . ’
10 This provided for arrangements to secure ransom money if necessary , to pool any gains of war and invest them profitably , and , if one left a widow , to make some provision for her and give some protection for surviving children .
11 ‘ You know , Katie , she 's an old miser and everyone borrows money off her or else they buy the things you knit off her .
12 She wrote back to him careful little letters to which no one could object , fearing to display too much emotion in case it called attention to the boy 's over-regard for her but she managed all the same to make her affection felt , telling him : — Pilade looks for you everywhere and will not believe I have not hidden you in a box .
13 And I had the impression that , he just adopted this child through sheer sorrow and sympathy for her but , did not say , erm , categorically that that was his .
14 I did n't feel any sympathy for her and I felt that … as for the booing , well , everybody gets booed .
15 ‘ Almost certainly this was a very unlucky blow for her and for him , ’ he said .
16 She felt , in her new severity ( for want of a better word ) only half alive , she knew she wanted the old enthusiasms and passions and expectations to course through her and arouse her .
17 Nick poured out half a glass of champagne for her and a dribble for Oliver .
18 She took up her child and clutched him to her , for his frail , warm , sleeping form seemed to put up a shield between her and the falling ashes around them .
19 Although she had not bought the smoke ball from the Company , it was held that there was a contract between her and the Company , albeit not a contract of sale .
20 There was no initial prospect of romance between her and Ian , but it was suggested her admiration for the man would sometimes lead to under-currents of antagonism between her and Susan .
21 She says it is going to be a struggle for her because it is quite a severe leg injury but she 's determined and what we 're looking at now is very good recovery so thpat should continue .
22 Can you move those sweets cos they 're the wrong kind for her and they just
23 The battle between the Prime Minister , the split indeed between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor which is a re-run of the appalling split between her and Nigel Lawson which is the origins of our present problem , is something that must be brought under control .
24 Her body was alive , throbbing with pulses she never knew she had , and as she jerked her face away from his she knew he had once again defeated her , outclassed her , and she knew without a doubt that he was right : if there was ever a real fight between her and Damian Flint , he would take supremacy , she would be overpowered by the fierce excitement burning in her now , and he would walk away with victory on a scale she did not dare imagine .
25 Wild pleasure streaked to every nerve-end in Caroline 's body , the reaction intensifying as he moved his mouth to the other breast , scorching such shafts of response through her that she caught his dark head in her hands , convulsively raking her fingers through the silky curls of his hair , arching herself up to his touch .
26 ‘ We can go look for her if you want , ’ I offered , jerking a thumb at the Transit .
27 responsibility for her before she 's sixteen , take responsibility for ourselves
28 Although her twenty-six-year-old boyfriend has an income from his job managing a shop , he has so far taken little interest and no responsibility for her or the baby .
29 ‘ This friction between her and your mother — was it really important or just a manifestation of teenage rebellion ? ’
30 It claimed there was friction between her and the Prince 's friend , Camilla Parker Bowles .
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