Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] and [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well I says Andy cut it down a bit like , even if you could cut , cut it down a bit for and I says he ca n't afford to give big housekeeping money and plus try and get a bus away to Kilkeel and take out , or take the wee girl out , what do you call her , Sonia .
2 Cos you 've probably found that already with maths have n't you that once there 's a little bit you do n't understand they start putting more and more on that you need to know that little bit for and you you do n't know it and you 're getting more and more lost and then it gets a bit late then .
3 So I says , oh I says , saying what they were and she said , oh , she said , and I 've got some mugs Auntie Elsie bought you and a bit after and she said , she said , there 's them four mugs for Angela .
4 And Mr Fry was floating out there in the mistiness , and he was busy wallpapering too but he 'd got the paper in a mess — he 'd put the paste on it and picked it up paste side nearest and it was sticking to him .
5 I can but yeah that 's why I have such a guilt complex after and I think oh that was really horrible like
6 Chair , I 'd like to challenge standing orders on motion three O one , an example being in the part-time workers ' qualification into it was done by a recommendation of and we therefore request that it stays on the agenda .
7 After the introductory speech I ( as ‘ leader ’ of the delegation of and me ) am expected to reply , and we dutifully ask some questions , preferably avoiding the jin and mu .
8 We asked the sultan what all these festivities were in aid of and he said : " Did n't you realize this is your welcome ceremony ?
9 ‘ But without doubt he was the greatest player I have been in the same side with and he helped me improve myself no end .
10 No and we 'd got three young girls , new , new girls and I saw those and I must have been thinking about Mandy and the car because they said something about oh when we leave we 're all going on a picnic to and I think it was Kettering or quite some time aw some
11 ‘ Yes , I had the light on and it was twenty-five minutes past two by my little bedside clock . ’
12 There 's this doorway with no light on and I trip over summat and have to grab a hold of the side .
13 So she went with the architect and he was wanting to show us this kind of and we were like , were cold and were back to the hotel , we did n't even go into the house .
14 I wanted no children of my own , not because I disliked them , although I did — my step-sister and brother were the only small children I had experience of and they aroused no feelings in me but exasperation and distaste — but because I did n't want to be a mother with the weight of life and death on me .
15 and then that 's a fiver , and then you 've got the worry of and you got you got to go shops because when it 's so hot things go stale you 've got to have
16 These birds come from America , so they are difficult to get hold of and I had the added problem that I was looking at the end of the breeding season .
17 Oh the Toshiba , the Toshiba transformers , that 's what he 's got a good range of and he 's written down
18 It was a question of and it 's a little
19 I mean I did that , I mean it , it , er , er , at Exmouth when they all measured er , they had an extra window like and I sort of you know , do you want , you know
20 I , I , I understand all the work like and I 'm sitting in class and I 'm doing fine fuck all and then I come in and get a test like and he cracks up
21 I , I , I understand all the work like and I 'm sitting in class and I 'm doing fine fuck all and then I come in and get a test like and he cracks up
22 Erm I just erm read the question like and I just I I I thought it 'd be like a triangle , you work it out on the triangle and then I thought no that
23 ’ We have no policy on single-sex swimming , as it has never been an issue before and it has always been assumed that all children would swim together . ’
24 If you 've skippered a small yacht on an open sea passage before and you can navigate , then you may sail any of our yachts independently within a wider area — from Corfu to Zante , and up the Gulf of Patras in the Ionian , or in any of the three gulfs in Turkey .
25 You push the damper in and you pull the damper out
26 You push the damper in and you pull the damper out
27 Titch knocked the engine in and they began to draw slowly away .
28 It is a good idea to make a BOOT disk in case you ever have problems when you first turn the machine on and it has difficulty reading the hard drive .
29 A Norwegian lifted a small Japanese girl on and we followed .
30 Picking them up and you get they put one paw on the settee like and I said no Windy and he went
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