Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] if they " in BNC.

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1 In particular , I do not claim that the text " " presents " " these units " , in practice he picks out intonational units from the text as if they were given ( albeit he sometimes admits to ambiguities of prosodic structure ) .
2 Erm it was the way they sort of checked all the way round the car park as if they were looking to see which would be the best .
3 To my mind it is as much of a prostitution of literary talent as Hemingway committed by his glorification of bullfighting , to read the likes of Allan Massie , lending his elegant prose to the description of pugilists , praising boxing as an art-form as if they were opera singers engaged in an aria celebrating physical courage in a coloratura of fists .
4 Learning them by heart as if they were magic signs .
5 The injustice of life stung her bitterly — Sylvester getting them Bones and co as if they were straight out of the champions ' parade at the Horse of the Year Show and not even knowing that some horses jumped and some did n't , and thinking that all weedy little Hoomey needed was motivation to become Seb Coe the second …
6 Our safety regulations er dictate that they be a certain distance from the crowd , so that if anything did go wrong , the aircraft would be able to er get out of the way , but no , there is not going to be any danger at all , they 'll make their approaches to the base as if they were attacking , and then we 'll have simulated ground bursts , a large fire as it were , on the ground , it will be going off , providing the sound effects for it , but it 's going to be just a great thing to sit and watch .
7 So when I stumbled against him and threw my arms round his neck he just stood there , unmoving except for a slight step backwards to keep his balance — though I thought I felt his hands touch my waist for just an instant as if they had made an automatic move to hold me which he had cancelled .
8 You get a momentary flicker as if they acknowledge , suddenly , that there 's an intelligent life form here , but it passes .
9 Instead of a series of national financial systems linked by a few operators buying and selling credit across the exchanges , we now have a global system , in which national markets , physically separate , function as if they were all in the same place .
10 Other comments ( from other authors ) that you find interesting and that look as if they might be useful can go down in the blank spaces .
11 These two look as if they were being careful not to disturb things too much .
12 ‘ I knew you was n't one of his usual harem — none of that lot look as if they could boil a kettle , never mind an egg .
13 I see no ground for concluding that the omission of the words ‘ without the consent of the owner ’ was inadvertent and not deliberate , and to read the subsection as if they were included is , in my opinion , wholly unwarranted .
14 I well remember the late Dr James Durno saying to me : ‘ Ian , look after the stock as if they were your own ’ .
15 Apart from the fact that ‘ To Kill a Mockingbird ’ is written in the 1 st Person narrative and is an older person retelling incidents from their childhood thinking as if they were still that child and although due to the age of this child , not all incidents are understood making some parts comical meaning that the humorous style contrasts with the horror , I think in many ways , Harper Lee 's style is similar to that of Rosa Guy .
16 However , in most of what follows , we shall treat theorem proving and other cases of monotonic search as if they were the same .
17 He nodded a greeting to the other three visitors , who crowded into the cell as if they were playing some bizarre game of sardines .
18 ‘ I 'm — ’ She looked round to see no one was in earshot , then mumbled the words quickly out of the corner of her mouth as if they were not really her responsibility : , I 'm sorry . ’
19 Indeed , when Jessica had locked her car with all the others at the Moira roundabout — travel-sharing , she assumed , hardheaded Ulstermen saving on the petrol — Rory had walked up to her and kissed her lightly on the mouth as if they owned each other .
20 Other commentators , unlike Clark , cite their favoured items of behavioural evidence for self-consciousness as if they were authoritative without further argument .
21 My hands dart indignantly about my desk as if they were offended mice , opening files , annotating minutes , picking up the receiver .
22 Instead , it is hospitalised in a museum , to be visited by the public , who pretend to relate to the work as if they recognised in it something of eternal value .
23 They seemed unaffected however , and threw their heads back , howling with unnatural laughter as they twisted their bodies in ever more contorted movements , some of them even brushing into one or other of the fires and continuing their dance as if they had n't noticed .
24 Manuel Caballeros took immense care with his fifteen-foot putt , stalking the line in both directions , conferring with his caddie , who had taken the pin out , staring at distant parts of the green as if they might unexpectedly become pregnant .
25 New Zealand began their chase as if they were playing a one-day game , flamboyant left-hander Mark Greatbatch repeatedly charging Australian pace duo Craig McDermott and Merv Hughes .
26 The men in the group will have to cope with this sudden change of plan as if they had known about it all along .
27 Coach every child as if they were the next Wimbledon champion
28 Instead , by virtue of the automatic novation when the Transfer Regulations apply , the contracts of employment continue to have effect after the transfer as if they were originally made between the purchaser and the employee .
29 They seemed to stretch back into the hillside as if they might , at some stage , cease to become manmade buildings of stone and wood and brick and become ancient caves ; tunnels that would penetrate deep into the earth 's core .
30 ‘ Women in a formal situation often have a similarly closed posture as if they are cut off from things around them , ’ says Dr Trower .
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