Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Johnston faulted his defence for being too flat in that , as an outside centre himself , the A team 's coach is quick to focus on the insufficient depth which gives the player in that berth no chance to cover such a thrust by the opposition 's inside centre .
2 Eventually I stayed until 1926 as I made the composition of my ‘ Exercise ’ my excuse for being there .
3 After receiving cases of whisky and champagne for being both top trainer at Hamilton and provider of most runners at the track this year , Berry said : ‘ I 've only a few left to run at Edinburgh on Thursday and Doncaster this weekend , but I could have half a dozen for the all-weather courses .
4 The man was now attacking Mr Pitt , calling him worse than the devil , cursing Parliament for being too feeble against him , raging — though it had to be admitted as a fine rage , a rage which at least convinced the speaker — against the law , the constitution , the King — ;
5 But if they were supposed to be keeping up the fiction about being happily married — a second honeymoon , indeed ! — then it was going to look a bit odd , if not downright peculiar , if he did n't spend his nights here in the cottage .
6 What I was trying to say that the for the fire fighter decision about was very boo 'd upon to the professional advice of our Chief Fire Officers and they have a good for eighteen months of how we are doing this fire fighting in Hertfordshire .
7 She put a motherly arm around her shoulder , and the whole story , except the part about being almost certain she was pregnant , came spilling out .
8 When Peter 's little daughter sings an excruciating Leslie Bricusse lyric about being all alone , there will be many a dry eye-patch in the house .
9 The drought of the previous three years has dissolved into into a huge downpour and now there 's more of a worry about being too much rather than not enough water .
10 I 'd also like to thank Colonel , Colonel for coming today from er Mildenhall in Lakenheath and also thanks to the Reverend for being here as well .
11 The combination of early fantasy and external fact is what leaves many people in severe difficulty after being sexually abused as children .
12 AN ULSTER twin has been re-united with her sister after being apart for 35 years .
13 Now the leading Republican spokesmen on foreign policy , Senator Vandenberg and John Foster Dulles , became openly critical of the administration for being too soft on what they considered to be the threat from Russia .
14 The ideal weight for is about three pounds .
15 She thought that once she would have been described as an ‘ old maid ’ and wondered whether she could blame her brothers or if it was all her own fault for being too easy-going .
16 but it 's not though , it 's not , it 's her fault for being so bloody stupid and not telling us A , what we 're supposed to be doing and B , the fact that I was not having any lunch to go half an hour , what do you mean ?
17 So , for example , we see the pupils messing around , ‘ to get back at the teachers for telling them off and putting them in detention , ’ or using physical violence after being unjustly accused of a misdemeanour , or being given a ‘ soft ’ teacher .
18 And in particular the position of Paisley and the DUP was enhanced by having done enough to prove themselves implacably opposed to appeasement of ‘ rebels ’ while distancing themselves sufficiently from the working-class loyalists to avoid the opprobrium of being closely associated with thugs and gangsters .
19 Scarlet 's mother had moved in the Bohemian world of Chelsea in the years immediately post-war and had acquired the air of insouciant , amoral aristocracy combined with a certain self-righteousness arising from the consciousness of being both aesthetically and ( at base ) morally correct which had characterized that society at that time .
20 The Consultants at least have to recognise , they could n't fix that the closure of was strongly opposed but it was a mystery to all of us except obviously Mr on the December how they were unable to nevertheless , to accept a little dissimilar rejection of part of my and the associated increased in the despite the fact that seven different people are of the same several different people same margin Mr but not .
21 This week 21-year-old Tony contracted septicaemia — blood poisoning — as a result of being permanently fitted with a catheter .
22 Berger was seventh on the grid , this the result of being too cautious with one set of qualifying tyres and too forceful with the other .
23 From a functionalist perspective , mental processes are inferred processes — they gain their status in our theoretical base not as a result of being directly observed or experienced , but from the way in which they enable us to understand and explain human behaviour .
24 It is as a result of being so constructed , and of being the figure it is , that a circle has its characteristic properties .
25 Thus , in the Shove case , even though the judge accepted that Mr Shove had suffered distress as a result of being so deplorably treated , no damages were awarded because of that .
26 One head of department thought that it had increased marginally as a result of being more involved in decision-making , but this was less important to him than teaching .
27 But Maxmin is unrepentant , and says the programme of is apparently going very well .
28 Since the condition often occurs in the secondary-school years , the young person may not only be faced with the trauma of the diagnosis and the confusion of being still able to see clearly in some situations and not at all in others , but there may also have to be a decision to transfer the medium of communication from print to braille , all this taking place in the years leading up to important examinations .
29 Lavelle then accused the agency 's top lawyer of being too tough on polluting companies .
30 This fear of being intellectually inadequate ( an unnecessary fear where we , the adults , have so much experience of life to share with the children in our care ) is eased by a subconscious desire to help the less able .
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