Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He said he 'd pick up a spare part for me today , and he has n't , which is why we fell out earlier and why I 'm on my way now to pick it up myself .
2 The third part is perhaps something that erm , we find a little more difficult , I do found that er number two , number three and number four if you were n't careful blends very much into one another and actually then part three as far as I 'm concerned actually putting across the benefits is really the main part I think and that really is putting into everyday English what we know as professionals as in technical terms , cos if you go and talk to somebody whatever it is , they have n't got a clue we have , we talk about it all the time and I think the biggest criticism of the insurance industry as a whole is the fact that you do n't talk to people in English and that 's why it 's got such a foot in the door and I think the third part for me really is the most important part of the sales process , relating our cock-ups in English , the benefits the client .
3 Leslie said he would need a special part for me then .
4 Perhaps there 's hope for me yet , he thought as he unrolled the fillet on the cutting board .
5 ‘ There 's definitely hope for me yet . ’
6 ‘ Heinrich got the champagne for me already , ’ Alfred pointed out tactlessly .
7 oh yeah I 've run out of conversation now you 'll have to record Star Trek for me tomorrow .
8 I was talking to David this afternoon , and he feels it 's too much of a coincidence for me not to be Lilian Parsons 's surviving twin .
9 it 's to early in the afternoon for me really .
10 Right would you take them to the kitchen for me please because I 'm putting these bits away
11 and said can I have some money for me tonight , I said well I was gon na get a cheque out the Abbey National , he said oh no he said work day to day and I thought oh
12 I ordinarily rise by six ; I will allow you to lie half an hour after me then you 'll have some time you may call your own .
13 What does Mr. Bonanza have in mind for me today ?
14 There is without a shadow of doubt some very nasty gossip about me now sludging its filthy way through the intestines of the society I know and have come to despise .
15 No one 's thinking about me yet !
16 ‘ Will you go talk about me somewhere else ?
17 ‘ It was a family company and I could n't see any future for me as far as equity was concerned , ’ Goodwin says .
18 It 's an excellent stable — they produced a very good hunter for me once Jennifer had assured them I was safe .
19 ‘ It has been a pleasure for me also , ’ said Madame Gebrec .
20 Come on Shel , come the other side of me so I can get you both
21 That side of me 's it 's this side of me now .
22 No , listen , we 'll say it 's north , say north side of I sometimes losing direction in this country .
23 From what I saw the other day , you already have a full biography of me down to the very last detail , even though you 'd missed one or two relevant facts .
24 I could put all that fear behind me now and get going again .
25 Hey , I 've got erm , I 've got a er a possibly V G A card with me somewhere .
26 And I wondered if you 'd be very kind and have tea with me afterwards .
27 ‘ Well , then ; come fishing with me tomorrow .
28 Not that I really expected them to ; I could hardly expect the Umpire to side with me so soon .
29 However , I feel sure she values her friendship with me enough to play it our way .
30 Being easy is no good to me though
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