Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] can [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only then , Wolfprince , only when you are cowed and submissive , only when I have drawn from you every shred of defiance , when I have extracted every sliver of pleasure I can from your predicament , shall I take your soul .
2 A typical exhibit , Thomas Kapielsky 's witty ‘ Käseplatte ’ is an object the size and shape of a record ( platte ) which also looks like a section of a round cheese ( Käse ) ; but the thing visualises at the same time an untranslatable German pun ( while ‘ Käseplatte ’ is normally a selection of cheeses in a restaurant , ‘ Käse ’ is also colloquial for crap which can of course refer to music as well as to art … ) .
3 Doubly fortunate is the journalist who can within 24 hours leave Beirut and look upon what is left of the world Damiani lost on that April day when the Argentina sailed out of Jaffa harbour for Beirut , carrying his family from Palestine for the last time .
4 So so erm , basic idea about crying is this kind of arms race situation , which offspring have been selected to amplify the signal , because it promotes their reproductive success , to get every little bit of extra parental investment we can for themselves .
5 I listened carefully as I want to learn all the green I can in case Maggie comes our way .
6 This music , incidentally , was a vital influence in British and American bourgeois domestic song , an influence which can in fact be traced right through to the years after the First World War , in such singers as Al Jolson .
7 The EC1 Pattern Controller has two pattern width dials , one for the left and one for the right of the pattern , so with this equipment you can of course use the right of the mylar sheet just as you use the left .
8 But it is necessary to start on this battle at school , and it is the duty of teachers to give all the help they can to their pupils to win each engagement .
9 Council leaders want to bestow the highest honour they can in recognition of Clough 's achievements with Nottingham Forest .
10 ( That is why this journal has consistently argued for a redirection of commission funds towards basic research , for the sake of the skill it can in principle provide . )
11 He would not treat them as sources of law past that point , but his general responsibility when he believes that law has run out is to make the best new law he can for the future , and he might be concerned with past legal doctrine for special reasons bearing on that issue .
12 Provide what support you can in the way of information about the event and guidance about what to look for in it .
13 Where this is the case , it is the teacher 's responsibility to present the best case she can for more time to those who devise her timetable .
14 that came in my head and all I wan na do if money you can to I wan na love you , for my heart and you make me a brand new woman , you make me ha , you wan na
15 The great novelist , in Nizan 's eyes , should be an " anti-Dostoievsky " , that is to say , a writer who can at one level emulate Dostoievsky 's ability to transpose on to the literary plane the anguish and despair of men and women struggling alone and unaided in the midst of a tragic social situation , and yet who can at another level go beyond Dostoievsky , offer a coherent explanation of the specific historical situation in which men and women are trapped , and focus attention at the same time on the political means of combating the injustices of their social condition .
16 ‘ I intend leaving this the first moment I can for Sydney hence to Hobart Town to see you , although it will verily interfere with my pursuits .
17 Even a teacher who can at least teach is thoroughly disapproved of in the absence of personal relationships .
18 Our immediate duty is to place every obstacle we can in the way of the survival of the three party system . ’
19 Leicester fans taking every single vantage point they can around the ground .
20 Such an historical perspective must be our long-term goal , even though for the present we can at best only hypothesize about the nature of the development processes at work .
21 For organisations like the Runnymede Trust , it is crucial to be alert to the various fronts upon which racism appears , and offer whatever support we can to those who want to challenge it .
22 From a swift glance at the back of a person 's head I can at once estimate the intelligence and sexuality of that person .
23 Now ultimately I think that it is this definition of ‘ autonomy ’ in terms of origin , and the associated distinction between an ‘ inner ’ self which can in some way spontaneously generate its ‘ own ’ actions , and ‘ external ’ influences which are not ‘ part ’ of the self , that will need challenging .
24 If we can determine ‘ origins ’ in Shakespearean drama , it is likely to be through examining what evidence we can of the plays ' 'destinations ' , the conditions of performance in the theatre matched with the cultural and social conditions of production .
25 So you know th they 're using the most accurate bearing they can for what they use it for .
26 But the only answer to that is for the West to build the most solid alliance it can with the only Germany it 's got .
27 ‘ The endeavours of a man truly good , ’ he once wrote , ‘ are not confined to this or that particular design , but lay hold on all opportunities of doing the best service he can to the souls and bodies of mankind . ’
28 ‘ Since the INCUBUS investigation looks like taking some time to get off the ground I can at least devote my attention to this new one . ’
29 Not being a drinker , I do an obligatory flip round the post-show party , consoling or congratulating and giving what little advice I can to grieving or glowing parents .
30 This takes on an added significance when it is remembered that geriatrics and the terminally ill are regarded as the failures of the health service and are often consigned to the young and inexperienced who , as one doctor recently put it , ‘ do strive very officiously to keep people alive because they are interested scientifically and they want to use every method they can as part of their training ’ .
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