Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] the child " in BNC.

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1 ‘ a balance between the vehemently expressed wishes and feelings of the child and the harm which the child is at risk of suffering if continued control of diet is prolonged into a chronic state affecting intellectual development and the development of the reproductive organs .
2 Do n't you think it would be fair if the assessment which the Child Support Agency carries out , took into account at the very least the fact that capital settlements have been made .
3 If we must have ‘ classics ’ let us accept James Steel Smith 's definition of a book that ‘ provides some special imaginative experience which the child is not likely to get from other sources — or at least in the same degree of intensity — and which ‘ it would be a shame for him to miss ’ ( 1967 , p. 121 ) .
4 The children are going to have them at home anyway , so if the teachers deny themselves this extra resource , and deny themselves the experience which the children can bring , I think they 're cutting themselves off from a tremendous source of encouragement and motivation .
5 There are many other areas and themes of play which the children might choose to develop that have not been mentioned here .
6 We can only play at ascribing responsibility outside this mutual interaction ; making the horse a senator , blaming the toy which the child trips over are games which do not fool the horse or the toy .
7 The poetry which the children produced as a result forms a major part of the exhibition which also includes photographs from the library 's archives , the Bigger-McDonald Collection , the Willie Carson Collection and those donated by the late Mabel Colhoun .
8 Parents sampled the linguistic , mathematical , scientific and creative work which the children had done on the theme — and many discovered that activities which often look to be just fun can in fact be quite hard work .
9 The whole group work can be used as the stimulus for small group tasks , or can itself spring from work which the children have originated in separate small groups .
10 To do this she must begin her teaching from the point which the children have reached .
11 A residence order may be made in favour of two or more people who are not living together and may specify the period which the child shall spend in each household ( s10(4) ) .
12 In emphasising the place which the child played in his own learning process , Plowden was not covering new ground .
13 This shows a clear image of war which the children are being returned to .
14 The most perverse element of the English system is that if a child is not called , the hearsay rule pre vents anyone else — a parent , doctor or policeman — from repeating in court what the child said out of court .
15 Despite excellent character-witnesses , among them Elizabeth , who delivered an impassioned plea on her maid 's behalf , Justine stood condemned by one piece of circumstantial evidence : a locket containing a picture of her late mistress had been found in her belongings — a locket which the child William had been wearing only the day before the murder .
16 Although it is fashionable to talk about its value ‘ for its own sake ’ , what prompts the theorising is the strong and well-founded belief that the experiences of childhood affect the kind of adult which the child turns out to be .
17 I most often use it as a resource which the children can go to during their own dramatic play .
18 The commercial baby foods often have whole peas or pieces of carrot in the puréed food which the child will spit out or refuse to eat .
19 Part of the parents ' case had rested on the following argument : within the school which the child attended a decision had been taken to include her in a remedial class ; thus , the special educational provision that should be made for her had already been determined ; so a statement ( under section 7(1) of the Act ) should follow .
20 Comments of this type in one sense only reinforce the point that the quality of a school 's management is judged by the quality of treatment which the child receives in the classroom .
21 developing the range and quality of collaborative activity which the children are able to initiate for themselves , by directly structuring and facilitating a variety of collaborative experiences , and modelling skills and strategies for pupils to take on for themselves .
22 There are , of course , advantages in having an entertainer whom the children know , in that their enjoyment is a recommendation .
23 Information on varieties of stone was given in the duplicated project booklet which the children received at the start of their work , but with some children this would not have been necessary had the school library resource centre contained suitable information in an easily discovered form .
24 There 's another greenhouse which the children run themselves .
25 In order to cut costs elsewhere the company want to build the line right through the middle of the town and across much of the farmland which the children have established ( in role ) as belonging to them .
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