Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] provide [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 MDC also operates a grants programme which provides support to 93 firms , allegedly creating 300 jobs and safeguarding 600 existing ones .
2 The message-switching kernel , on which the system is based , is an X400 Message Transfer Agent which provides access to the messaging applications via specialised user agents .
3 A study showed that the level of stress related illness among employees in a department which provided support as described was much lower than in a similar department that did not take such precautions .
4 Broken down to glucose which provides energy .
5 Similar associations occur between fish/mobile invertebrates and other sessile invertebrates , notably the diadema sea urchin which provides protection to fish fry with its long sharp spines .
6 It is hoped that some refresher sessions will be included in the Easter Course and at the weekends at Green Park which provide insight into the up-to-date methods of teaching Medau .
7 George beckoned and I followed through a door into the heat of the rear section of the engines , the section containing among other things the boiler which provided steam to heat the whole train .
8 The reproduction of an historic statue of the Mother of God in the Cathedral , demonstrates a sensitivity to the vibrant traditions of the past , drawing on them so as to enrich ones own faith not only of God 's choice of Our Lady and her example , but also of the many wonderful traditions in the diocese which provides continuity , constantly enriching the present .
9 This is a scheme introduced by the Government and operated by the Council which provides help with Community Charge bills .
10 They are further supported by the Enterprise Training Jobclub which provides help for people who need long term support with job searching .
11 Typically the term ‘ carer ’ is used to describe members of the informal sector who provide care for a dependent person in the community .
12 In a telling passage he provides part of his rationale :
13 The support available from IDB represents a carefully structured package which provides assistance in those areas where it is most needed .
14 The bulk of this till plain carries an unrelieved blanket of peat which provides fuel to the crofters but has not been used commercially .
15 A VOLUNTARY group which provides support for the families of people who have suffered brain injuries has launched an appeal to extend its day centre .
16 The Library is represented by Mr McIntyre , Head of Preservation , and Dr Hillyard of the British Antiquarian Division on the Working Group which provides guidance and advice on controls and standards .
17 It is from Chedworth , a site which provides evidence of some mosaics of integral group ( a ) , that one of the earliest saltire designs is known .
18 Aggreko generator hire , Salvesen 's world market leader which provides power for customers from pop concerts to the oil industry , contributed strongly to a 37 per cent growth in trading profits in the industrial services division .
19 We know that such a humane , therapeutic community which provides predictability , certainty and continuity of experience can gradually replace the patient 's pseudo-reality with a new reality , promoting a resolution of painful tensions and enhancing self-esteem .
20 Single , never-married daughters traditionally have been the group who provided care for their parents in old age .
21 The first explicit recognition comes , as for many women , with an apparently trivial event which provides route into the buried memories combined with hearing a story of a child who has been recently abused .
22 We therefore reviewed data from randomised trials of myocardial infarction which provide evidence on the clinical efficacy of aspirin and heparin , alone or in combination , as adjuncts to thrombolysis .
23 Also its outreach welfare rights facility which provides access for house calls to the disabled .
24 Education itself provides enrichment to the lives of individuals in a number of ways and in so doing determines the quality of life made possible by wealth creation .
25 I certainly hope that every executive agency will apply for a charter mark , which will be seen as a clear reward to those in public service who provide customer satisfaction , which all too often in the past has been sadly missing .
26 And as you 'd expect , every car is covered by an extensive warranty which provides emergency assistance .
27 At its most basic , ‘ shelter ’ is a place of protection from the weather and a safe place to sleep , but people also need a home of their own , an environment which provides security , familiarity and a haven from the external world .
28 In general , however , it is only the massive gulf between perceptual ability and linguistic competence of conscious articulation which provides evidence in day to day experience of the power of an unconscious oriented towards objects rather than language ; but this alone implies that the object world holds great significance .
29 But for the next week the Circus is very much in town … much to the dismay of the greengrocer who provided lunch but to the delight of those watching
30 The worker also attends weekly meetings with a supervisor who provides help and support , records details of the teaching programmes , writes reports , and helps the family with problems involving contact with other agencies .
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